post your sexy pics here

I did another using the image Kevin had for that Math camp thing, and this one sucks slightly less... but still no Maguire. Good. I don't look like him.

I hate Tim and Eric and every show they have made or will make. They are the syphilis Adult Swim contracted that made them think crap like this and Lucky the Daughter of the Devil are good shows.
:lol: Man that video reminds me of this guy Derick and I saw at a local metal show recently. The one time I didn't bring my camera...Just your average looking clean cut guy, he didn't really look homo at all. Except for his jeans. Tight, tight, jeans that he was obviously wearing to show off his butt. And so there he was, in the middle of the mosh pit, gyrating his tush. THE WHOLE NIGHT :lol:

The only thing that would have made the scene better would have been Albert headbanging beside him! Will, find the video :)