post your sexy pics here

1. Ground Beef, Ground Lamb, Ground Turkey, Ground Veal, Ground Pork, and Pork Sausage.
2. Meatloaf and meatballs. With all of it. MIXED. (except the sausage...)
3. Good ground beef... i like my ground beef sirloin at 90/10. Anything less is not acceptable.
4. Yes, you can totally play with my sausage.

I'm with you on the lean meat point. But then again: everybody already
knew that, I bet :p
I made a stop at the store:


Sexiest fucking picture YOU'LL ever see.

That's like my worst nightmare haha
gonna break the new shoes in when i go to class. just sitting around being bored and i have a camera. not a good thing:

my windblown supermodel/child about to get raped pose:

bow down before my majestic locks: