post your sexy pics here

Sigh~ here it is, the dork. :p

It's that one my mom was bitching at me to get. She paid for it already so I had to comply. :( It's really not me because I don't dress up, or wear that much make up.

My hair is actually shoulder length, but it shriveled up that way. It's much longer now, but it shrivels up right above my boobs. It gets either wavy if it doesnt curl, or FRIZZZZZ.

I will show my ancient drunk pic if y'all want it. HHEHEH. Otherwise, I shall stay the introverted person I am. LOL.

Since we were talking about blue cheese and feet. I figured I'd whore my foot. I scanned my foot in 04' for a weekly drawing challenge. LOL, my foot has been immortalized by many. It also tastes like blue cheese, but that's any one's foot.


Here was my end result of that challenge.

Sigh~ here it is, the dork. :p

It's that one my mom was bitching at me to get. She paid for it already so I had to comply. :( It's really not me because I don't dress up, or wear that much make up.

My hair is actually shoulder length, but it shriveled up that way. It's much longer now, but it shrivels up right above my boobs. It gets either wavy if it doesnt curl, or FRIZZZZZ.

I will show my ancient drunk pic if y'all want it. HHEHEH. Otherwise, I shall stay the introverted person I am. LOL.


sexy! :D
Thanks guys! I don't do it often because I have a hard time socializing when I'm not hidden.

I got head of the computer for the night, I've been sitting here drawing and it's giving me a head ache. I'm doing a portrait for a friend and I swear it's the hardest I've ever done. The pic is crappy quality too! *groan*

Hi Stormie! :D
First up, the by product of the sausage in my last pic... Just random shit I found around the pantry/fridge, thrown together and simmered. Tasted like GOD.


And, I'm obliged to post a snow pic:

so today my band played our first ever show which was pretty awesome. it was an all day thrash party and we went on at around 12:30 in the afternoon so there were only 20 people or so but it was still pretty bitchin sweet. we ended with a cover of shotgun justice by razor so it was mega thrashin and fun. my friend took some majorly fuckin metal pictures (i'm the guy in the ratt white and black shirt)



