post your sexy pics here

this is the view from my room. i think it's pretty nifty.


Is that a dorm?
I love lots of windows. That is a great view. The view from mine is just the road, and you can't have the windows open for long on that side of the house before the noise drives you bonkers.
that sucks. the view i had when i was on the other side of the hallway here was of the front parking lot. but the room i was in last semester had a great view of the city since it was on the 10th floor.
that sucks. the view i had when i was on the other side of the hallway here was of the front parking lot. but the room i was in last semester had a great view of the city since it was on the 10th floor.

Being that high up is nice though, for leaving the windows open on a hot night without worrying about someone breaking in. Well, unless he's spider man. :D

My old apartment faced the parking lot. My cat loved it! It was her way of seeing what was going on in the world. This place has no wide window sills for her to get her fat ass up in, so she enjoys watching the chipmunks out the back patio now.
Being that high up is nice though, for leaving the windows open on a hot night without worrying about someone breaking in. Well, unless he's spider man. :D
yeah, except the heat is obscene and my school decided that using our increased tuition mondel to remodel the lobby would be a far more worthy cause than putting in an air conditioning system.