post your sexy pics here

My parents still have some plates that look exactly like that too! I think they're down to only having 1 left these days. The others broke probably.
actually karen i think you'd like where i grew up in Santa Rosa in Sonoma County. rainy winters and very suited to your yuppie/organic tastes. tons of wineries and whole foods type places. lots of dairies in the the rural parts so here and there it smells like poo, but they're all hippie-organic-rub-the-cows-and-tell-them-theyre-nice-cowies type of places. a few years ago Santa Rosa got #2 on one of the forbes lists of best places to do business but the stupid housing shit fucked up it and it fell way down. check it out yo!
So I was looking at google maps street view... and I noticed someone on a bike that looked oddly familiar. So then I went up... and...

actually karen i think you'd like where i grew up in Santa Rosa in Sonoma County. rainy winters and very suited to your yuppie/organic tastes. tons of wineries and whole foods type places. lots of dairies in the the rural parts so here and there it smells like poo, but they're all hippie-organic-rub-the-cows-and-tell-them-theyre-nice-cowies type of places. a few years ago Santa Rosa got #2 on one of the forbes lists of best places to do business but the stupid housing shit fucked up it and it fell way down. check it out yo!

OH SHOOT I totally forgot about Sonoma!!!
Yes, neal I've been to Sonoma and Napa and LOVED it. I mean loved it so much that one day I want to retire there :cool: (I'm serious)
Wonderful area, you're right, it's perfect for me :D:D:D

"hippie-organic-rub-the-cows-and-tell-them-theyre-nice-cowies "
hahahaha :lol: <3

I'd also like to add that I love Paris, and I used to go there almost twice a year with my parents, but I haven't been in years and heard it somewhat "changed"
so until I see for myself soon, I shall not add it to my list :)