post your sexy pics here

actually, just before getting to the playground we were commenting on just how covered with dog shit the ground was in the park. Seems they kept out of the sand though.
my band played a crazy underground show last night. it was in this dudes house in west oakland, the ceilings were only about 6 feet high and it was in his basement so they shoved about 30 kids into this tiny ass basement and a bunch of bands ripped it up. the end of the night was crazy though because when we were all putting our stuff away we heard boom boom boom and it was either fireworks, or gunshots and considering it went on for like 3 minutes and was in west oakland, i'm assuming gunshots, crazy but awesome show. here are some cool pictures (i'm the guitarist in the impaled shirt with the green logo and really long hair)





Man, that's awesome. Shows like that is one of the reasons why I got into metal. fuck yeah :kickass:
I make about 10 000 to 15 000 kilometers a year. I know, it's not that much, but being a university student it hurts quite a bit. So you're really thinking twice every time if it's really necessary to drive.
Fuel is insanely expensive here. The annual budget is expected to add some utterly unnecessary "green tax" taking it well over £1.05 a litre.
Fuel is insanely expensive here. The annual budget is expected to add some utterly unnecessary "green tax" taking it well over £1.05 a litre.

You have the "green tax", too? What's so ironic about it, is that the money from that tax isn't used to support environment but to fill up the federal cash box. :rolleyes:
You don't know Mumps aka Parotitis epidemica?

It's one of the most known child's diseases. You usually get the vaccine after you're born.