post your sexy pics here

Yeah, this place is a ninja-scout type thing. No one around this town offers them door to door, so when someone finds out a place hocks them, they go fast.



And now for something completely useless. But I had to buy them cuz they're cute and were only a dollar! Aww.
I just got back from Rome where I did a little teaching and alot of eating/research/sight-seeing.

The Pantheon is one of the best preserved Roman buildings in existence. It's currently a Church to St. Maria, owing to the Christian faith grabbing just about anything Pagan and dedicating it to their saints. The inscription was set up by Hadrian, in typical fashion, and basically reads that "Marcus Agrippa built this", Agrippa being a great General from 100yrs earlier.


This is part of a set of Republican ruins now in the centre of Rome, although classically situated in the Field of Mars. The section to the right is considered to be the remains of the Portico of Pompeius' theatre - the spot where Julius Caesar is said to have been murdered.


On the topic of Caesar - this is the spot he is said to have been cremated after said murder. Amongst riots and great speeches he burned. I visited on March 15th (The Ides of March) said to be the date of his murder. It's a sight of great pilgrimage for some folks, and many lay flowers and Salute the Roman state at this spot.


A bigger picture of the Forum. The spot of Caesar's cremation (and subsequent temple) is dead centre. The Colloseum is in the background.


Caesar's adopted son, Octavian (later Augustus). This is a really famous statue, recovered from the remains of Augustus's wife's villa at Prima Porta. It's recently been uncovered that it was painted in a gaudy purple.


Heading south of Rome is the Via Appia. It used to be the main route from the city to Brindisi (a port in the South of Italy). The Ancient Road still exists in, in parts, exactly how it was then.


Having Lunch on the Via Appia, I saw a kitty. Knowing how much you all love Cats, here we are:


Two 3-star Korean generals at the Colloseum?


Vaticano, after the Pope had spoken:

A few more:

Trevi Fountain:


The Grave of the Poet John Keats, and his friend Joseph Severn, whom died some 50 years later and desired to be buried next to his great friend. Pretty humbling tale.


Pope's Army! The Swiss Guard.


The Square Colosseum. An exercise in Fascist architecture.

I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say it has something to do with poets and artists, science and geography?
HAHAH just found an old gem... someone took a live video of my old band and dubbed some Christ Denied over it. Funny shit haha.

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