post your sexy pics here

I am Tom. I am awesome. That is all you need to know for now. All else of relevance shall become apparent when necessary.

Yeah...I think that for a n00b, you've had the smoothest entrance into the forum of anyone within the last four or so years.

Haha, I said "smooth entrance" :loco:
er, smoothest, even
The key is, we're either 1. not supposed to notice you, or 2. you act so much like us we think you're someone else.
So, mexico then

Pretty much!

Fuck me, any lower and you'd be watching the illegals border hop in the sunset.

Also, pretty much! My high school was alongside the expressway. On the expressway right by the school was a sign that said, "MEXICO: NEXT EXIT". My drummer used to live by some cane fields by the river. When I say "by the river" I mean that you could see a few miles into Mexico from his driveway. There were problems with people fresh from the other side running around over there, and the border patrol patrols the area constantly round the clock.

As you may guess, white folks like me are pretty rare in these parts. We are endangered, hunted for our silky white pelts.
Yeah...I think that for a n00b, you've had the smoothest entrance into the forum of anyone within the last four or so years.

yeah, seriously. fucker blended in

Aw :) Yeah, I did notice having to do a lot less work than I'm used to doing in forums to assimilate.

Haha, I said "smooth entrance" :loco:
er, smoothest, even


If he weren't a bout of explosive diarrhea away from Mexico, I'd recommend Meat camp.

Oh yeah, if Tom were all that awesome, he'd come to Meat Camp! ;)

Meat camp..? Do I want to know what that is? Hopefully it doesn't go back to that "smooth entry" thing... o_O

:lol: Way too true. That's why I've made sure to cover all the bases (pun intended) all the way from 4 strings to 7. Now that ESP has decided to pull out an 8 stringer, I may have to even go that high.

I'm planning to get an 8-string when I can! I'm looking more into one that Rondo Music might be putting out, though. If it happens, it'll have a 28.625" scale instead of 27". I have a baritone 6 at 30" I use for messing with super low tunings, and it's fun!
Jace needs to modify her avatar.

I submit the following:
