post your sexy pics here


I thought it looked like they were peein over the edge.

Oh yeah? YOU'RE a-peein! yuk yuk yuk
In preperation for my move to Russia I had a genuine Ushanka made:



It's absolutely massive. It's also insanely comfortable and warm.

I apologise for looking like a dolt in those pictures.
The fighter???

It's an awesome hat. They killed some very cute rabbits especially to make it. I'm very, very happy with it. I've wanted one of these for ages, especially since I decided to move to Russia. It was important to me that it was well made. I wanted someone who respected the killing of rabbits to make winter hats, someone with a history and personal involvement in making these things. It's awesome.
haha yeah the fighter. He's just the first Russian that came to mind when I read your post lol.

He's homies with Putin ya know!
Oh my hero, so far away now.
Will I ever see your smile?
Love goes away, like night into day.
It's just a fading dream.

I'm the darkness, you're the stars.
Our love is brighter than the sun.
For eternity, for me there can be,
Only you, my chosen one...

Must I forget you? Our solemn promise?
Will autumn take the place of spring?
What shall I do? I'm lost without you.
Speak to me once more!

.... or was that Draco?