post your sexy pics here

in a couple years i will definitely be challenging Shpongled for the title of longest hair
shit man, you're close! i think you've got several inches of hight oh him (you're at least 6' right?), so the relative length isnt there yet, but the actual length is close. either way you definitely have me beat, i dont use enough conditioners and shit to keep adding length fast haha. keep it up hair farmer :kickass:
My hair was getting pretty long, but I cut it for the sake of convenience and because it's just too hot down here. Really long hair is kind of a pain to manage, especially when gigging regularly.
Shmu has longer hair than me.

edit: also I'm thinking about cutting mine. Not all the way off, but maybe 10 inches or so.
i don't get it when people say its so hard to manage long hair. maybe i'm just lucky but honestly its just washing, conditioning, drying which takes maybe 20 minutes and in the day if its bothering you so much just tie it back. i think the only time it'll be annoying is when its so long that i end up sitting on it.
I spy lady butts!
I do declare the Nevermore fanbase holds the record for the hottest chicks :oops:

I just found this picture from back in February. I don't recall posting it.


You have really kind eyes, Kev.

I like that photo!
And yeah, long hair can suck. I'm almost to the point where I can sit on mine, and it does get in the way. It sometimes gets caught in trees, shrubbery, seatbelts and car doors..which really sucks.
Oh well, I love it too much to cut it :)
Yup, I had one of those "you know your hair has gotten really long when" moments yesterday. Got out of the shower, combed my hair and went to put on pants. Definitely had to pull my hair out of the back of my pants :lol:
Also, I have a somewhat inextricable fear of cutting my hair, ever since my ex-girlfriend gave me a "trim" and cut off 10"+ 2 years ago.
Yeah, Bulmers make really good cider. It's sorta like Magners, which by virtue of being Irish, is more popular in the States. The pear stuff is awesome, I prefer this one to the Swedish Koppaberg.

Tasty beers.
Bulmers, Magners and Tuborg are pretty much my basis for drinking :lol:

Seriously though, school trip to russia, one bottle of Tuborg = 27p!

Leffe is good too.