post your sexy pics here


He's prettier than Tägtgren, by my reckoning. Tägtgren has a creepy Steve Buscemi look about him, while your man there does not.

Also, I'd like to add that Pop-Tarts are tastyawesome.
He's prettier than Tägtgren, by my reckoning. Tägtgren has a creepy Steve Buscemi look about him, while your man there does not.

Also, I'd like to add that Pop-Tarts are tastyawesome.
I get the Tagtgren comparison now and then too... and I honestly don't like it very much. One of my ex-gf's always said I looked just like him and she loved it because she has a huge crush on him, but I never really agreed. I think Peter looks like he's dead, or really dopesick or something. He doesn't look healthy or happy usually, but maybe that's part of his charm for the ladies, I don't know haha.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I agree with Derek... Vera's bf does look like Peter, but a much better, happier, healthier version of him.