Posting my bands 2005 full length album for the first time EVER! Free for Download!


Artist: Idoler
Nov 11, 2008
Alameda, Ca.
hey dudes! i haven't had time to record much lately and wanted to give you guys something fun to listen to!

Back Story: we recorded this album in 2005 for a label we were on (not mentioned) that was gonna release it internationally. we went on a small U.S. tour to promote and right before we were arranging a 5 month tour hopper some tragedy struck one of our members while another went completely M.I.A. a month before it was to be released!!! needless to say, we had to drop from the label before we were completely in debt to them AND the "not yet existing" tour because it was impossible to find new members in that small amount of time etc.!!! Now, those of us left standing were stuck w/ all this merch, a full length album, and our balls in our hands!!!

Recording/equipment: we recorded this with a friend, Zack Ohren, at his studio "Castle Ultimate studios" in Oakland, Ca. (Zack has also recorded bands like Animosity, All Shall Perish, Embrace the End etc...)
We recorded guitars using Stephen Carpenter seven's w/ the stock EMG's (one was the baritone model) into a 5150 with a bbe maximizer through a Marshall Mode Four cab!

even though i was the vocalist of the band, my bassist and i did the majority of all the writing and i actually got to record the guitars for the beginning of "Perfect Flaw," half of the melodic section in "Casualty," AND the entire song "Torn from Tomorrow!" hahaha! (i lurbs recordingz me sum guitarz!)

anyway, without further ado, here is the link to the free HOA full length. i really hope you guys enjoy listening to this, and i'm happy that i can now give this out people! Oh, it also comes with the music video we shot for some "mtv2/fuse" advertising slots! yay! as well as the song lyrics, our official logo, and some random promo pics i still had on my hard drive!!!

Cheers dudes! :kickass:

House of Atreus
"What You've Become"
full length

**If you guys want to check out some live footage, updated tour pics, and the music video, including some of the tracks off the album, check out our "newly redesigned" myspace (more like "crappily" designed myspace by me, hahaha)! and please add us! maybe it will inspire some of the guys to get this thing back up and running again!!! thanx dudes!**
House of Atreus on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
Oh shit I remember you guys. One of my old bands played a show with you guys, but I had to work early as fuck the next morning so I had to leave right after our set, and the next day I got the ole "You shoulda hung out, man! House of Atreus was fucking bad as fuck."