Power metal drums+guitars mix


Keep on blorpin'
Feb 16, 2010
Minnesota, USA
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6097696/01 - Painful Lessons.mp3

It's my first time mixing real drums, and recording them for this song only cost us 25 dollars. :grin: Otherwise, everything was done low-budget style in my room.

No bass/vocals yet, and there should be another guitar solo at the very end once our other guitarist gets it to me. Mainly I'm not entirely convinced by the sound of the toms, and maybe the guitars need more highs? My opinion has been swaying back and forth on it.

Oh yeah, I've still got some cymbals bleeding through in the tom mics... It was hard to get rid of them without screwing up the tom sound. Hopefully the louder high frequencies aren't too noticeable when the toms kick in.
really diggin the guitars...the drums need comp+eq+different reverbs they need alot of work.....cool song btw
In my opinion it sounds really good, I like the guitar sound (amp sim? reminds me of the x30). For me there's no need to boost the highs. I think it could make the guitars sound a little bit too harsh.
Well played!
Rhythm guitars were a 5150 II run through poidaobi's higher presence Engl impulse. Leads are Amplitube Metal, EXCEPT the solo at 4:23, which was our other guitarist's mic'd blockletter 5150. I decided to just use the solo I recorded for the demo, instead of trying to redo it for a DI.

Anything specific about the drums? I'm having trouble judging them, since it's a lot to jump into at once, and I'm still pleased that they sound roughly how drums should sound in the first place.
make the snare beefier and add ambience everything sounds dry to me, maybe alittle hall reverb with very light settings, compress the drum mix also , dont get me wrong its not bad at all, its just needs tweaking. i hope more people respond to your thread that have alot more experience, im sure they can help you better than me. overall i like it natural and organic!