Power Metal fans, listen up!

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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There is one band you need to check out called Mystic Prophecy. I have been listening to their album Regressus nonstop for the past couple days.

This music is agressive power metal at its finest. Imagine Iron Maiden with fatter, faster and harder guitar riffs and a singer that has some grit in his voice that is still very melodic and can hit the high notes. He mostly sings mid range, but he can really hold his higher notes very well. I (yes I) can hear cool bass lines all over the place. The drums are very awesome. Great use of double bass, some very very cool fills and is very interesting to listen to.

I forget the website, but don't go by the clips they offer, because they do not actually represent the band too well, you need to hear a full song to appreciate it.

I think this may be the best power metal album of the year, so check the band out.
ive been a fan of Mystic Prophecy for a while and i have Regressus.
in my opinion they're a typical power metal band, nothing too special but the vocals are great. He has a more unique voice instead of the same high pitch clone vocals.
I somewhat agree on the originality factor, but they play extremely well and are excellent songwriters. And the singer is really awesome. I think it is way an average release though