Power metal song, tips to improve?


Jul 4, 2011
Malmö, Sweden
Hey all. I'd love some feedback and pointers to improve this mix. It's a power metal song that I finished this night. I think it sounds pretty ok now but I'm always happy to make it better.

Guitars are Pod Farm. Drums are AD.

I don't sing very often so I'm aware the vocals might not be that great. ^^

Would be fun to hear what you think about the song too. :)
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Hi, guitars sound too etectronical, too fizzy. You can get better tones with Pod Farm for sure! Otherwise I recommend free plugins as TSE X50 and Lepou's Legion run into Lecab2 and some good impulses.

The same for the drums. You can get fantastic drums with AD. Invest more time on it.
Your kick doesn't have any high end. You should try a different kick with enough 1khz-20khz region. Also your snare is too quiet and the sample sounds "small". You should raise the level first to appropriate level and post a new mix. As Jevil said, guitars sound pretty fizzy and digital, but I think there is far bigger problems in the drums.
Thanks for the feedback! I tried removing some highs on the rhythm guitars to try get rid of some of the fizz. Played around some with the snare and I fixed the high end on the kick. Still not really sure with the snare.