Powerfest OT thread

sh0kr0k said:

....because we're so far off-topic, I'm moving this thread here

Wait, what comment... that one just then, or mine??

And for the record, it wasn't just drunk-talk.

But it is just dreaming.

I edited one out of my post, since everyone would have been able to figure out who I was talking about.

We can get away with being off-topic in Glenn's forum, but you're right, we should be over here...
eaeolian said:
I edited one out of my post, since everyone would have been able to figure out who I was talking about.

We can get away with being off-topic in Glenn's forum, but you're right, we should be over here...

HA! Hell, it's really no secret anyway, and least it probably isn't after the 12 drinks I had that made me a bit of a motor-mouth, including said topic. But I appreciate the effort to help maintain my dignity... whatever is left of it after Saturday night. :oops:

Dude, we totally got "yelled at" in the Jorn thread for being off-topic. I don't know about you, but I ain't into pissing off those who hold the keys the gates. Hopefully Bryan figures it out and follows us here.
sh0kr0k said:
HA! Hell, it's really no secret anyway, and least it probably isn't after the 12 drinks I had that made me a bit of a motor-mouth, including said topic. But I appreciate the effort to help maintain my dignity... whatever is left of it after Saturday night. :oops:

Heh. It's not like I haven't watched him go down in flames from being drunk, either. ;)
sh0kr0k said:
Dude, we totally got "yelled at" in the Jorn thread for being off-topic. I don't know about you, but I ain't into pissing off those who hold the keys the gates. Hopefully Bryan figures it out and follows us here.

I dunno, I got away with a lot in the Anti-Nevermore thread, but I think Glenn just likes to see me post in the forum - and he doesn't like Ascension. :lol: I deliberately stayed away from when there was a lot of opportunity for us to play the pre-party, but now that I can't be accused of trying to color my chances for anything, I like being there. In small doses. ;)
eaeolian said:
Don't you start... :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You know, I created this thread so that the other doesn't get locked up, and what happens?! Everyone starts a two-page bitching war THERE instead of HERE! Can't say I didn't try...

Sorry I had to bail early yesterday, Mike. I'm at work and I get sent out into the warehouse instead of sitting in my comfy cubicle all day.

Someday I'll tell you what happened at the afterparty. It's not as big of a deal as you might be thinking, but it sure topped off this girl's night :p
sh0kr0k said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You know, I created this thread so that the other doesn't get locked up, and what happens?! Everyone starts a two-page bitching war THERE instead of HERE! Can't say I didn't try...

Sorry I had to bail early yesterday, Mike. I'm at work and I get sent out into the warehouse instead of sitting in my comfy cubicle all day.

Someday I'll tell you what happened at the afterparty. It's not as big of a deal as you might be thinking, but it sure topped off this girl's night :p

See what happens when you try to be responsible?

I'll be calling/emailing soon. I need a show in Detroit in August. ;)
eaeolian said:
See what happens when you try to be responsible?

I'll be calling/emailing soon. I need a show in Detroit in August. ;)

Just so happens I have a big birthday party/cancer benefit metal show on August 26th... but it's in Lansing, MI. Wanna play my b-day party?? It'll be the only time you can see my hammered off my ass at a show in Michigan. Otherwise I always behave.

I posted the link in the other thread again.. let's see if it works.
Here I'll start by posting the last message:

Bryan316 said:

I play in a band. I bust my ass for my band. I give everything I have at every show. I come off that stage each time drained and exhausted. I do everything in my power to put on a show for anyone in attendance, whether it was 150 people for Dimebag's memorial, or for 13 people as the last band of the night for a shitty screwed up Halloween party gone wrong. And never do I complain about being exhausted for nothing. Never do I say that the show wasn't worth it, even if it wasn't. Because every time we play, someone tells us they loved the show and they were glad to see it.

But then you come along and say you won't even BOTHER to see opening bands anymore just cuz you don't feel like it? That's a fuckin insult, my high-nosed friend. I've seen plenty of great bands open the night with no audience cuz people just don't wanna show up, and I've seen them close the night with no audience because nobody wanted to stick around to see if they might be any good. And your attitude towards the "little people" in this business is just a small part of what makes it hard for damned good bands to make it anywhere these days.

So you can stay at home if you want. I won't ask you to come check out a band for any reason. I don't need fans who need to be coaxed into coming to see one of my shows. I'm not gonna suck up and sell out just to get tickets sold or fans in seats. And I'm not gonna convince you that your ideology is wrong. I can see that's impossible. You live your life the way you want to. You're the one missing out on opportunities. Not me.
Rick Pierpont said:
You really want another opening band person to enter this thread? Its not like you'll stick around to listen to me ;)

Heh. I understand both sides of the issue, and I'm willing to give woosta the benefit of the doubt. He was dismissive, but not any worse than Met-Al was of Twelfth Gate's "change" - he just voiced an unpopular opinion in a way that I think was misconstrued.

I appreciate the having our back, though. ;)
Rick Pierpont said:
You really want another opening band person to enter this thread? Its not like you'll stick around to listen to me ;)

Well, I'm here already... so maybe I should leave. I'll go get a sandwich or something. Call me when you've proven yourself.
