sh0kr0k said:
But.. okay... I still haven't read one GOOD reason for making the distinction/assumption/preference for this view. Presupposing that you'd be uninterested in openers is such an arrogant generalization with a foundation of SAND to rely on. I've seen a million shitty headliners but I'm not going to let that affect my opinion for the shows I go to. The opposite is true, too. I am still totally astounded by this.
Me too... in my experience, Detroit audiences are more supportive of opening acts than Cleveland ones are, and, at the same time, the club owners allow more of them to be added to the bill... personally, this lack of openers detracts from my enjoyment of shows here in Cleveland, to the point that I rarely ever go unless I know someone who's also going to the show. I don't want to go to the trouble of fucking around with downtown traffic and parking, just to see one or two touring bands... I'd like to check out something new at the same time.
However, I don't think woosta was saying that he specifically tries to skip opening bands on a regular basis... my impression was that he wanted to spend more time seeing Chicago during the day, and that that was more important to him than seeing the opening acts. ...Then again, he did say that he "learned his lesson" from the first day, and chose to show up late on the second day, which is ridiculous and makes no sense. Just because he didn't enjoy AS, Bio, and Eldritch as much as he had hoped, that means he's going to hate the Saturday bands? Shame. (The thing that REALLY bothered me about woosta was that it seemed like he was bashing Biomechanical for being too metal.

On the topic of opening bands... incidentally, my favorite opener ever was... drum roll... Twelfth Gate! (It was their first show together, opening for Helstar/Steel Prophet. Awesome! I can't believe they only had four songs then.

I love it that people outside of Michigan are paying attention too!

I'm very lucky to be here - the local scene in MI is very supportive and packed with talented bands of every genre imaginable. Makes my job easier
Yeah, I remember the Michigan scene being very tight-knit and supportive. The scene here in Cleveland sucks the big one. Show attendance is down (including my own), the local musicians are constantly stabbing each other in the back (even ones who claim to be friends with each other!), the venues screw around, and there's no one promoting or putting together local shows. Seeing your posts on the messageboards and MySpace is quite inspirational, especially knowing now as I do that you originally came into this as a total novice, and now you're a very successful promoter. I wish I could do what you do here in Cleveland, but, unfortunately, I have absolutely NO business sense, very little money, and very little free time (working a 2nd shift job limits your time a lot more than a day job does, although you'd think the opposite would be true. heh).
You all oughtta be lucky I don't have a lot of money or I'd be putting together irressistable shows all year long!
It's too bad I haven't won the lottery... otherwise, I'd pump a large chunk of that cash into RTM, just to see what you could come up with.