PowerMac G5 or MacPro?


Mar 30, 2005
Do you think a used Powermac G5 dual could still be a good investment for a dedicated DAW or would you aim to a new MacPro anyway?
Powermac are pretty cheap nowadays, when MacPro are reaaaaally expensive (also the first models) but more powerfull.
In my opinion, with core and dsp cards a G5 is still good but with firewire cards probably a macpro is a better choice..

What do you think?
I have a dual 2.0 G5 currently and while it does handle pretty much everything I throw at it I wouldn't recommend getting one these days for the same reasons that have been said. Wait and save for a pro :)
im still running a g4 and macbook at home whilst i save for a macpro.
Macpro in the studio though. AMAZING
I was running a G4 but it was just reaching its limit. I finally shelled out for a G5, but the only reason I stayed G5 is that I needed it to be PCI-x rather than the PCI-e Mac Pros. I would say save for a Mac pro, as I know the G5 will be just as outdated as my G4 very soon. I got my one nice and cheap so thats the only reason I went for it, but I would love a Mac pro
get a few intel machines off ebay and install osx hackintosh and run the spare ones as nodes for logic studio. it would prob work out cheaper then a apple mb pro and would prob crucify it on processing power.

but nothing beats having an actual mac that you can look at and say in your own head "im part of the club... fuck yea"
I'm getting along fine with my Quad 2.5 G5 mac. Beats the hell out of paying a assload of money for a new Intel. It will probably hold up for another 2 years

Unless it does what mine did:

<turns on machine>
<hears crackling noises>
<unpluggs machine>
<gets in car takes to tech>

"I think the PSU just went"
"Okay we will check it out and order a new one"
<2.5 weeks go by due to backordered part>
"Okay we got the part, but your logic board is indeed fried"
"Fuck, well pull the hard drive and the RAM and recycle it then"
"Will do"

<Goes and shells $1400 for a used mac pro with apple care>

I had a refurbished quad 2.5 G5 as well.
get a few intel machines off ebay and install osx hackintosh and run the spare ones as nodes for logic studio. it would prob work out cheaper then a apple mb pro and would prob crucify it on processing power.

but nothing beats having an actual mac that you can look at and say in your own head "im part of the club... fuck yea"

If you want to stay legit, this isn't an option.