PowerPlay Bloodstock Review


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Here's what Malcolm Coull had to say.....

"Having eventually got from Stoke to Derby on the Friday Night I was rewarded with a fine performance from UK power metal act Power Quest. Despite a string of misfortunes leading up to the gig, including losing their second guitarist and having a load of merchansiding nicked, the band girded their loins and came out to a warm welcome. A few people had been taking a pop at the band since the release of their debut album, so here was a chance for the band to throw it back in their faces with a killer live show...and they grasped the opportunity with both hands, cranking out a selection from "Wings of Forever" and a couple of tracks from their upcoming second album. Soundwise there were a few teething problems but generally it came across very well and soon the crowd were right behind them. By the time the last notes of "Far Away" had faded away, the crowd were chanting "Pow-er-Quest!", much to the delight of Steve Williams and Co." 8/10

Thanks to Malcolm for the great review!!