Powerslave--It Must Be Decided...

anonymousnick2001 said:

Dude, I stand behind everything I say;(even if it's in the white heat of post 9-11 rage). And MAN am I prescient. It's truly fascinating to see Jimmy Carter declare that we should get the hell out of Iraq when Bush and Kerry lack the balls to do that. Remember.....
"War is not meant to be won; but continuous."- 1984, George Orwell

What should have been done after 9-11 was for Bush to get on the phone with all of the leaders of the Middle East nations and say to them that if there is one more explosion anywhere... one...that they would be done...i.e. wiped out entirely, completely, and utterly.

'Cuz this playin' footsy, touch-and-go, nation-building bullshit has got to go.

And it doesn't surprise me one iota to see The New York Times have the tasteless gall to honor renown terrorist Yasser Arafat's funeral three days in a row!

Tired of reality?
...I thought I was on your ignore list.....
You still are. For some idiotic reason I hit the View Post button every time I see you still posting.

And on the list you should remain.

The Duellists > Flash of the Blade
The tempo in the Duellists is its downfall. Flash of the Blade gets my pick just because it has that killer triple-axe melody. I wish Maiden would play that live now they have 3 guitarists. And don't say they'd never do it because of Janick--it's a very simple melody. :D
See, the tempo is what I love about the Duellists. It's got a motherfucking GROOVE to it, man. If I want speed, I got Aces High and Back in the Village.
What the hell, i'll two in my two cents...

anonymousnick2001 said:
See, the tempo is what I love about the Duellists. It's got a motherfucking GROOVE to it, man. If I want speed, I got Aces High and Back in the Village.

Exactly. See, Flash Of The Blade may be faster, but the Duellists just seemed to come together better, and it left a better impression on me. I think both of them kick ass, but i'll go with the Duellists.