PP2010 Wish List

Blind Guardian might indeed be too big :p I now remember they even had their own festival once! But he is a sick vocalist, no matter what people say!!! Try to sing it ;)
Damnit, I only know big bands. I was thinking about Jon Oliva's Pain (Savatage) but they play big festivals too, so probably too big also (especially if you have to pay the guy per kilogram, that guy is HUGE!)

Raimond, you missed the G ;) I will check it out! Thank you! Weren't you the guy I ate pizza with? And tried to make a house of cards with progulus cards? (which failed goddamnit!)

Great everybody is positive about the wristbands! I was wondering if nobody just thought about it or that nobody would like it or something... Now all we have to do is convince Rene! (I put it in the feedback form ;) Also did last year btw)
Blind Guardian might indeed be too big :p I now remember they even had their own festival once! But he is a sick vocalist, no matter what people say!!! Try to sing it ;)
Damnit, I only know big bands. I was thinking about Jon Oliva's Pain (Savatage) but they play big festivals too, so probably too big also (especially if you have to pay the guy per kilogram, that guy is HUGE!)

I know he's a very good vocalist, I just don't like the sound of his voice (well, except on Ayreon's Y ;) )

JOP was headlining PPE in 2007 I think...
LOL, yes, that was me. I did tell you it won't work, did'nt I? ;)

John Oliva was headliner at ppe in 2007. It was an amazing show. HE is big indeed, but not too big for us as an artist. ;)
So why not Blind Guardian?
It's Hansi's cologne accent. I simply can't bear it... hence Doro

I'm not english, so I don't really notice the (bad)accent I guess :p
ProgressiveLunatic is cutting in his own legs, one of the greatest talents from your country and you don't like the voice of Hansi :p Or does everybody in Germany sound the same?
Why didn't Cello took me a year earlier :( I missed John Oliva! Well, maybe he would like to come back :D

I'm listening to Roots - Sepultura btw... But they're probably too big too...
LOL, yes, that was me. I did tell you it won't work, did'nt I? ;)

John Oliva was headliner at ppe in 2007. It was an amazing show. HE is big indeed, but not too big for us as an artist. ;)
So why not Blind Guardian?

Blind guardian + Wacken 2 years ago = Crushed by 75000 fans. That's why they're too big. They might be able to do it when they're in the neighbourhood, but an exclusive show? Don't think so.

On the topic of wishlists. Did I mention Everon? If I did, I'll just do it again.


And since a man can dream.....
The Arcane Order. Never gonna happen of course, probably a bit too extreme death, but still, a man can dream. :)
My wishlist:

=> Savage Circus (fast power metal in the vein of Blind Guardian, new CD at the end of this month)
=> Baroness (if this is on tour, it's a must-have for ProgPower)
=> The Ocean (it's been 6 years since I saw them, would love to see them again)
=> Arjen Lucassen's Guilt Machine (definitely a project that could be brought on stage, contrary to the whole Ayreon concept)
=> Diablo Swing Orchestra (love the new album!)
=> Mystic Prophecy (it's called progPOWER, why not, would make an incredible performance)
=> Manticora (in 2010, it will be ten years since they've played ProgPower, they made five albums in the meantime, would be great)
=> Status Minor (listened first time to their music today; not really original, think a bit like Seventh Wonder, but very well brought)

Guess that also Oceansize would go down very well with the ProgPower-crowd.

And oh yeah, maybe also The Psyke Project...
Hm.. lets see:

Circus Maximus
Symphony X
Pagans Mind
Vision Divine
Seventh Wonder

Oh and great idea regarding the wristbands!!!!
@ arnold: Guilt machine as a headliner? Ayreon I could understand, since that project has music enough for 2 hours.

And seriously, no madder mortem please. Saw them once live, have nightmares to this day :yuk:

yups guit machine as a headliner, the same way like the arjens star one concerts, the guilt machine songs, mixed with some other material from arjen, would be great, only it will never happen, arjen don't want to play live .
i'm happy i can say i've seen star one live but i'm afraid that's the last tour arjen has done.

madder mortem suck live ?? i've never seen them live but love the cd's.
maybe inmoria instead, cool cd :cool:
Might be a little way too bit big but dreaming never hurt anyone, right ;)

well, the last time I saw the 'Ryche was in a venue only marginally bigger than Sjiwa (Raimond knows exactly how big). And it was earlier this year... So probably not that utopian than it used to be.
Was an awesome concert btw, they played Empire, Rage for Order and (some new songs)... :kickass:
well, the last time I saw the 'Ryche was in a venue only marginally bigger than Sjiwa (Raimond knows exactly how big). And it was earlier this year... So probably not that utopian than it used to be.
Was an awesome concert btw, they played Empire, Rage for Order and (some new songs)... :kickass:

:headbang: how great would that be if Ryche were (financially speaking) within the range of PP. :worship:
I'd really like to see at least one of these bands at PP next year:
-Devin Townsend
-Symphony X
-The Mars Volta
one of these might be nice (but will be probalby not one of the "surprises"):
-Devin Townsend Band (with guest appearance of Ziltoid :D)
-Pagan's Mind
-Zero Hour
-Heaven's Cry
-Dead Soul Tribe
-Vanden Plas
-Pain of Salvation (but I have to admit I still have mixed feelings since last time)
-Orphaned Land
-Sieges Even
-Opeth (probably WAY over budget)
-Wolverine (again? Yes, again!)
-Jon Oliva's Pain

...these have all played PP before...think I must come up with some surprises too in the next few days