PQ in studio vids


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
Cheers for these Steve! Love to see all this behind-the-scenes stuff.

Steve laying down some bass for Civilised?

Andrea with an awesome Dean shredding on Cemetary Gates, keep an eye out for making them tabs!

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Excellent stuff! I really need to get back into playing my guitar... never get a chance anymore with all my work busyness... my mate's popping down for the maiden gig this weekend and might bring his guitar so that would be a perfect chance to get riffing again!

Anyone from here going to the 7 hour long maiden gig? :lol:

Han, you're in Cambridge now? Not in Brent anymore then?
Anyone from here going to the 7 hour long maiden gig? :lol: QUOTE]

Hell fucking yes!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang::headbang::headbang: i've been waiting for this for ages - not too keen on the support bands though. Avenged Sevenfold are the only ones worth seeing IMO.
This will be the best day :lol: of my life

(by the way SiliconMessiah i noticed the playstation network symbol in your signature :kickass: if you want you can add me. My online ID is DreamNightmare)
I saw LH at the Clive Burr Brixton gig last year (i think?) and she was much better than i expected.

But i can't be arsed with a 7 hours gig so i'm just gonna go along for Within Temptation, cos they're pretty cool, and then suffer through Avenged Sevenfold and end up with some glorious maiden!

fool_in_paradise, i'll try to remember to add you, if i forget then feel free to add me instead!
Sure thing SM. i'm not sure whether i'll be there for the full 7 hours either but it is certainly going to be a gig to remember :headbang:
Everyone hear in the main standing area or is anyone in the stands - i got tickets sorta late so i'm in the middle of the stands. still gonna be awesome!!!!!!:kickass:
Me and my mate are seated, in the M block i believe, not sure how good that'll be, apparently they shifted some seats around after people had bought them, though i think mine are still the same as before...

I sent you a PM btw fool, have a go replying to it, i'm paranoid that all ways of messaging me are messed up as a lot of people seem to be ignoring me lately... *sniffs armpits* :lol: