PQ Press Release January 10 2013


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
The Quest is over.....
UK melodic metal outfit Power Quest will be calling time on their 12 year existence in 2013.
Keyboardist and founder member Steve Williams commented on the news as follows.
"I've decided that now is the time to say that the Quest is over.*From a business
perspective it is getting harder and harder for us to break even.* None of us make any money from PQ (we all work day jobs) but I have been losing significant amounts of money when on the road for the past few years. No matter how much you love something, there comes a point where you have to look at the facts, not the dream.*
I love nothing more than touring and making records but if there isn't sufficient demand for the product then there comes a time when reality has to bite unfortunately.
I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me and PQ over the past 12 years....it is very much appreciated and it is what has kept me going through the years. It's been a great ride and I've had the pleasure of having some great musicians in this band who I am proud to call my friends. Steve, Alessio, Andrea, Francesco, Rich, Paul, Andy, Gav, Colin, Chitty, Adam, Andre, Bill, Oliver, Gav Ward, ZP,Sam Totman, Pete and Ben......you guys have played such a huge role in making PQ what it has become and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
My dream as a youngster was to make one album. It was not about being a rock star or making lots of money, although that would have been nice :) It always has and always will be about the music first and foremost, so to have released 5 albums is way beyond anything I could have dreamt of to be honest.
Huge thanks to those who have done so much behind the scenes over the years as well, without whom it would have been immensely difficult for me. Step forward Manuela Froehlich, Anna Walker, Simon Burrell and Sprocket.
But it is you, the fans, who have joined the Quest and supported the band through all the ups and downs over the years that I save my final words of thanks for. You guys have been inspirational to me! I've always said that PQ fans are the best in the world.....and that is as true today as it has ever been. I hope you will understand my reasons for this decision and I hope to see as many of you as possible in the months and years to come.
We will be looking to do a couple of farewell shows in 2013 and hopefully make them a fitting way for us to take our leave.
It's never an easy thing to know when the time is right to move on to pastures new, but I believe that time is now.**
Through the wind and the rain we'll meet again......."
Wow. I am speechless. Power Quest have really had a huge influence on me and really change my life. One of those few bands that really makes you see things a different way. I must say it will be hard believing this.

It was a beautiful message Steve. I'd really from the bottom of my heart thank YOU and all the other past and present members. As I said you've had a huge impact of my life. I hope you will continuing your musical path, if not professionally then personally. I also hope that we'll one day meet!

Even though I dislike this decision and wish I could make you change your mind I do respect, and partly understand it. You were thinking of this before all the new members joined but you decided to try once more and you did an absolute wonderful album.

So thank you Steve, and the rest of course, good luck in the future, and I hope this isn't the last I've heard of you!
Not what I was expecting at all... but I suppose I should have seen this coming, given all that's been discussed over the last couple of years. I guess I didn't want to acknowledge it as a strong possibility.

I found Power Quest seven years ago and have been on this forum for a little less than that. Although it's a tiny community, with a spike in activity once in a blue moon, I can't say I've ever felt more at home than here. From day one I was accepted by the others and even Steve, and I just want to thank everyone for that. I certainly hope this doesn't spell the end of the Power Quest forum -- I love this place and have made some wonderful friends through it.

As for the band itself, Power Quest and especially Steve himself have been massive musical inspirations for me. Neverworld was one of the few albums that really inspired me to pursue playing keyboards seriously, along with Magic Never Dies. Steve's keyboard playing has been a huge influence on my keyboard playing. My songwriting has always had a noticeable Power Quest influence, according to some friends of mine, and it really pulls at my heartstrings to read this news. Blood Alliance has helped me through some really hard times lately as well.

Without dropping any particular names, it's a crying shame that gimmick acts and groups without any real heart or serious message in their lyrics can do these massive world tours and rake in so much money while Power Quest has LOST money by playing great, catchy music from the heart. A crying fucking shame, and I'm genuinely upset by it. It's always been a dream of mine to see Power Quest live... unfortunately, I guess I have to accept reality as well. One day I would at least like to meet some of the guys in person and thank them.

What will you do now, Steve? Will you pursue another band? You have far too much talent to let it go to waste. What about Andy and Gav, the amazing guitar duo? They're far too young - they must have plans. Rich and Paul have families, maybe they will be up to something? I'm guessing Colin will continue with Karuna? I'd love to hear what they have to say.

As sappy as this post may be, it's all true, Power Quest has been a major part of my life for most of my teenage life into my adulthood. It's helped me through a lot and I know it'll help me in the future. Thanks for everything, Steve - the blood, sweat, and tears you've poured into your work, the great music, the perseverance, everything! We'll never be able to pay you back the money it's cost you over the years, but you're right about one thing - Power Quest has the best fans in the world and we're not going anywhere anytime soon. Once a Quest fan, always a Quest fan!
I want to echo Michael and put into words what this news and what PQ means to me but the words won't come.

I couldn't put something like that into words. Not yet anyway. PQ have been too huge an influence, musically and personally. I want to get mad and deny that something as devastating as this can really be happening.

Steve if you're reading this I implore you, surely there's another way? It's been said time and time over, a fan-funded release, kickstarter, crowdsourcing, anything, something - I would contribute enormously. There's a reason the mantra is The Quest Must Go On. This cannot be the end.
I am so sad to see this news, but I understand and identify with the reasons for your decision, Steve.

I absolutely meant what I said in my letter to you a few years ago, Power Quest has been a huge influence on my own musical development both as a listener and an artist. You said your goal was simply to make an album and you should be aware that you have far exceeded that ambition; you and the band have produced one of my favourite albums of all time!

I will make it my priority to come along to one of your final shows. Although this may be the end for the Quest, please don't ever give up on making music!
Can you copy what you've posted on Facebook, Nikki, and post it here?
The news has come out, The Quest has come to an end. I'm in that state where my heart is thumping; almost wanting to come out of my chest, my hands are shaking and I feel a little sick to my stomach. This is what the news has done to me, sounds a little over dramatic I know but since I was a child I have always been an emotional person and that will never change. When something so special to me has a consequence, of course I am going to be devastated. And of course Power Quest being one of my favourite bands also.

I wanna start this with how I discovered Power Quest. Back in 2006, when I was 16, I was in a relationship with a guy who loved his Metal. He showed me this album named 'Neverworld' - I was going on holiday to Turkey for my Mum's wedding so he let me borrow it. One hot day we hired a boat for the day - Swimming, BBQ, fun activities - I hadn't done anything like that before so it was very exciting. I wanted a moment to myself so I sat on the edge on the boat, stuck my headphones in and put on Neverworld. I listened to the album whilst looking out viewing the sun, sea and hills. I felt like I was on my own at this point, in a magical world. 'Lost Without You' came on and oh my... I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had to stick this on repeat - Even if it was nearly a 11 minute track, I instantly fell in love with it. That was the moment that 'Lost Without You' made me a Power Quest fan and I will never forget that day.

Fast forwarding to 2009, I was preparing for my Photography exams at College and we had to pick a theme for our final exam. I really wanted to go to Hammerfest - which was where Power Quest were performing - because I had not yet photographed a festival at this point so it would've been a fantastic experience for me. So my tutor said it was a brilliant idea and I got to have the time off to go to that festival. On Friday 24th April 2009, that was going to be me seeing Power Quest for the first time ever... And photographing them! The set was kickass, blew me away. I discovered they were going to be at the signing desk so this was my chance to go and meet them after being a fan for three years at this point. The first person I approached was the man himself, Mr Steve Williams. I could not believe how friendly he was, and he recognised me from the photo pit so that was an extra bonus! I got a photo with the guys and that was it, over so quickly. God knows when I was going to see them again.A little festival was announced in Dudley - Metalfest. Quite a few good bands announced and then there was Power Quest. But there was an issue... Everyone except Steve were leaving the band so this was a farewell gig for them. I had to be there, obviously! It was an emotional gig for me, and I wanted to do something nice for the guys as they were one of the bands that had a huge impact on my life. So I brought a card, wrote a message to Alessio, Andrea, Francesco and Oliver. And then a separate message to Steve telling him to continue doing what he does best and to not give up. Well... Something along those lines, I can't remember! But that moment, was the start of a great family/friendship between me and Steve.

There is more but I'll fast forward a bit more because I do not want to bore anyone with my jibberish. 2011 was the year for me and Power Quest. They were to return to Hammerfest again and this will be the first time I had seen them in over a year. There had been a couple of line-up changes since 2009 so this was going to be a interesting show. I waited at the barrier whilst the guys set up, out of no where I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Steve! I was so happy to see my brother again after so long. So we had a quick chat and then he had to go to continue setting up. I was nervous about this show because of Alessio leaving, but once Chity started singing I wasn't as nervous. It was a great show. I got to meet the current members later on and I can honestly say they are some of the nicest guys I have met. We had drinks together, I wanted them to come and check out a local band with me which they did... All around it was a great day and festival. Power Quest had a four day tour coming up in May and having been speaking to Steve, he asked me if I wanted to join the band as tour photographer. I couldn't believe it, it took a while to sink in but I was absolutely over the moon to be given such an amazing opportunity. It was a very tiring four days with under 4 hours sleep a night and a bit of booze here and there, but I got to experience what touring is really like. It may have been four days but what an experience it was. That moment will live on forever.With the news that Chity is leaving the band and Bloodstock would be the last gig with him, I can honestly say I was an emotional wreck. I was sick of a band with such amazing people getting bad news. Why this band? They didn't deserve any of that shit. I remember being in the beer garden with Chity that evening having a drink and smoke with him. I couldn't hold back the tears so I did what I did and he confronted me. It was basically us saying goodbye to each other and hopefully seeing each other again in the future. That moment was very special to me.

And now we move on to now, 2013. A fresh start for everyone, but not for these guys. Which breaks my heart. I heard the news on the radio last night and my evening was ruined. When it was mentioned it wouldn't sink in, until 'Survive' finished playing and that was when it hit me hard. This morning when I woke up I was still feeling numb from the news. I'm just so sorry for all the guys for having to make such a difficult decision, but it is understandable as to why it has to come to an end.

I want to thank Matt Young - The guy that showed me Power Quest. You are an absolute diamond for showing me such great music. Jody McMonagle for letting me go to Hammerfest. If I hadn't gone, I wouldn't have got to meet the guys, let alone going on tour with them.

I want to thank Alessio, Andrea, Francesco, Steve Scott, Ben, Pete, Chity and all the other past members for being a part of such a fantastic band over the 12 years. Some of you's I've had the pleasure of having a drink and chat with and it has been an absolute honour and I hope to see you's again in the future.

The Power Quest forum - You lot made me feel so welcome when I joined the site and you are all such lovely people. Dom (Power_Metal_Dom) and Michael (Kingface) I got the chance to meet you guys on tour and it was brilliant. The forum shall still continue, because I can't imagine not having contact with a bunch of great people. Plus others I got to meet on the tour like Emma & Orlando. Thanks guys for everything!

Colin - I have not had the chance to see you perform yet but if there are farewell shows I shall get my chance to see you, hopefully meet you too. But thank you for ending the Quest on a high. You are a fantastic vocalist and I will hopefully see you soon.

Paul, Gav, Andy & Rich - On tour you guys made me feel so welcome, I felt like I was part of a family. Of course I knew you's before the tour but that was the moment I felt so close to you all. Thank you for making Power Quest so special and for giving me such an amazing experience on tour. I'll never forget you all.

Finally I want to thank my brother, my best friend, Mr Steve Williams. If it weren't for Hammerfest or even writing that card to you, I don't think we'd have the friendship we have right now. You are honestly one of the most friendly, genuine guys I have ever met. I can't thank you enough for what you have done, especially asking me to come on tour with the band. It was very tiring, but it was absolutely worth it. Please come to more shows, Cinderella was amazing. No matter what happens, you will always be my big brother. Thank you, broski.

If I ever get married, you guys will be at my wedding, hahaha! But seriously, this isn't goodbye now because I will hope to still be in contact with you all. I hope you all go on to do amazing things. Don't give up on music as you're all super talented. I think we all should have a pint of Cemetery Gates when we all reunite, it has to be done.

'And at The Cemetery Gates, I said goodbye. Till we meet again in heaven.'​

I'm going to buy some Guinness and Jager tonight just to have some Cemetery Gates in honor of PQ!
Needless to say I was absolutely gutted to hear the interview announcing this on 'Red Sky at Night' last night, as well as reading this press release this morning.

Dom has mentioned about things such as Kickstarter, I must admit I thought something like that was likely to occur at some stage (and maybe it still will?) but either way I appreciate the situation that Steve is in.

I have to say I considered this happening to be a strong possibility in the near future as Steve has always been frank about the state of affairs for the band in terms of the money and dedication that goes into it. It's difficult not to get a bit ranty when a band as brilliant as Power Quest deserves to be going from strength to strength in terms of exposure and recognition, rather than this situation but I'd prefer to concentrate on the positives.

I honestly don't think any band, no longer how long they've been going, have made five albums as consistently brilliant than Power Quest. In particular, Neverworld, Magic Never Dies and Blood Alliance are three of the greatest albums ever written in my opinion, with Neverworld being my very favourite album ever and the title track being my very favourite song.

I want to say thank you to every single band member past and present for making such amazing music and providing such amazing live shows, shows I've attended that I'll never forget, as well as being lucky enough to meet many of you guys in person.

At my second Power Quest show, where they supported Symphony X in Sheffield (local gig almost for me!) I was lucky enough to meet Steve, Andy, Gav, Paul and Rich. I have met those guys multiple times since at other PQ shows and also met Chity at my third PQ show and meeting Colin at the last three I attended. And of course Alessio at the last show in Hull!

All of the people listed above are the most genuinely sound guys you could possibly meet, with a genuine passion for what they do and appreciative of the support they've had from the fans.

I can think back to any of the six times I've seen them live and feel good thinking about those times. The last three shows I attended were particularly special I feel. Wakefield in November 2011, Colin's first show with the band, where PQ were able to perform an incredible mixture of the older classics that had not been played live for a while, as well as songs from Blood Alliance that hadn't been played live yet previously at that time, such as Glorious, Only In My Dreams etc.

The last two shows, where I was lucky enough to see PQ twice in the space of three days! Witnessing For Evermore and Galaxies Unknown being played live twice and well, the rest of the setlist for that matter was magical and I feel so lucky to have been at Metieval Winterfest in Hull to see Alessio sing on many of the songs, some by himself and some with Colin.

Regardless of whether this is truly the end of PQ or whether it is genuinely the end for good, it can be said that the Quest went on for 12 Glorious years, with 5 albums of the highest quality. And you never know, this sort of more intelligent, catchy Music may get more attention in the years to come and people will come to find out and realise PQ were a major part of that.

I urge everyone who hasn't already got all the PQ albums but likes the band to get them and for as many people as possible to attend these shows coming up in 2013. If nothing else, Power Quest more than deserves a massive send off for the sheer quality and dedication they have given us for 12 years. It is great to see many posts before mine with such positive and sincere messages for Power Quest.

Thank you once again Steve and the rest of the Band for the Music, your company and the shows and thank you to all the friends I have made through this great forum, some of which I've had the pleasure of meeting in person. Here's to you all! :kickass:
I am so thankful I got to see that live show streamed online, with Colin singing Children of the Dream etc. Even though I wasn't actually there, it was one of my most favorite concerts.
... Damn. Really am gutted to hear this.

I must admire the dedication you guys have had for so long continuing the band even though you have mentioned how difficult it was to do so. I have to congratulate you guys on an excellent career, putting out some truly great material. I think the time has come to renew my hunt for copies of Neverworld and WoF, two albums which I've been unable to (reasonably) track down 'til now so I can own all your stuff. I also have to thank you all for setting up something like this forum and contributing as an awesome way of keeping in touch with your fans, which so many bands fail to do these days.

I hope this forum keeps going so you guys can keep in touch, and all the great people I've seen and talked with around here can remain in touch - and perhaps hunt for some new bands to fill the void!

I also really hope that one of the final shows swings nearby so I can make the trip and get to see you guys before The Quest truly is over. It's an experience I've definitely lacked, and I'd really hate never to have it.

But to echo the above - thank you to Steve & everyone in the band for some really great music and great times! Time to spin my collection I think.

1928 said:
I'm going to buy some Guinness and Jager tonight just to have some Cemetery Gates in honor of PQ!
I can't help but think that would be a little disgusting. But I might just join you on that one for PQ!
All Hail The Mighty Quest! For Thy Name Shall Be Forever Remembered For Their Achievements, Not Thy Struggles! May Thy Light Shine Upon Thee Steve (and/or Band), For We Will Reunite, And Thy Have My Full Adoration And Support Through The Thick And Thin!

Power Quest, Forever!

P.s. I Have The Quest On My Arm To Remember You Always!
Obviously sad news. As I have mentioned before, Power Quest were one of the first metal bands I got into back in 2002. The weird thing is I have seen PQ many times in the past 10 years in festival and support slots, but only once seen a proper headlining gig by them (at the Purple Turtle with Chity). If a farewell show does come around my way I'm not even sure I can bring myself to go to it.

1928 said:
Without dropping any particular names, it's a crying shame that gimmick acts and groups without any real heart or serious message in their lyrics can do these massive world tours and rake in so much money

I've spoken before about the bands I think are very good musically but seemingly need gimmicks to get attention. When I saw this written down I thought of the latest examples, Ghost and Gloryhammer. I listened to and enjoyed Ghost for several months before I even knew that they wore funny costumes on stage. As for Gloryhammer, Chris Bowes is a pragmatist. He knows that record companies like having something to push and the silly angle (and lyrics about unicorns invading Dundee, for example), which harks back to Terry Pratchett's somewhat irreverent approach to the fantasy genre gives them a way of selling the band. I have heard little of Gloryhammer so far but hopefully it will be as good musically as Alestorm.

Going back to the subject, looking back it seems that PQ never really stood a chance. Without a gimmick to fall back on they were either the poor man's Dragonforce or just another poxy Helloween clone, another happy clappy crappy flower metal band with guitars buried under the keyboards. Such are the simplistic ideas of the music buying public, at least the few who have even heard of Dragonforce and Helloween. As many have said, I really should have seen this coming. It did increasingly look like a burden to keep that band going. I can't believe this doesn't happen more often. All too often even bands who end up in magazines and headline major venues have members who need to hold down day jobs.

Alas, all things pass. The world carries on, and we must carry on too. Best of luck to Steve and the boys, whatever they get up to in the future.
Oh, I will be having the drink tonight - if I had it now, I'd be stumbling over by the time I got back to work! :)