PQ to Scotland?


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
It's been almost 4 years since we ventured north of the border with Helloween....and we think it's about time we did something about that.

the question is where would you like to see us? I'm thinking Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee.

As always.....appreciate your feedback on these things guys!


Weyhey! At last, I might get to my next PQ gig in about 4 years!
All of them!!! I'd see you at all them if it's a Fri, Sat or Sun! Dundee especially though.
I would say don't bother with Aberdeen as the metal scene isn't huge up there....

Glasgow is an absolute definate - either Ivory Blacks or Cathouse or something would be ideal...

Inverness is actually an awesome place to go play a gig even though you might not think so - we've played one of our most fun gigs there! Dundee is worth a shout... Dragonforce and Sabaton played in Fat Sams which was an awesome venue - it's massive too!

In Edinburgh the place to be would be Studio 24 - saw Dream Evil there....

So I say avoid Aberdeen but Glasgow, Inverness, Dundee and Edinburgh would all be good banter! :)
Woohoo! Good to see St Andy's getting a good reception! Ascension were great when you were on with Kaleb. Both awesome bands and I was stunned that there was a power metal band from Aberdeen :headbang: Venue 1 has room for 1000 standing, 350 seated, has a bar, a stage and a dedicated sound/lighting crew. I'm not sure how many power metal fans are in St Andys but I'm sure metalheads from near and far would flock