Practical jokes


Mar 2, 2007
So do you do any practical jokes?

One time I put glue on my friends hand, and then I tickled his face, and he woke up with his hand stuck to his face.

I took my friends phone and switched his gfs number in the contacts with mine. It was fun playing with his head all day. :p

I squeezed 2 day old fish I caught in the creek on my friends deodorant (in gym). But I rubbed the deodorant all over the outside of the case, so it would smell the same, but when he put it on he smelled like dead fish. And he had no idea it was him all day.

That last one is great. Um... one of the meanest things i have ever done was take a tooth brush and rub it inside the toilet... i saw it in a movie and decided i would do it to my cousin when i was like 11.

My friend always falls asleep first so he is constantly messed with. we wrote all over his face, just dumb stuff like 'fag' and then we put a bunch of stuffed animals all around him. We can move him a lot too cause he is a heavy sleeper so we made it look good. Then we posted it all over myspace. xD

um... i like this thread so will post more as i remember haha
I fucking hate practical jokes.
Mainly because I'm usually on the receiving end, but they're just not funneh.
ah there have been some classic ones out there, we put a load of Vaseline over my mates stool in a chemistry lesson and he sat down it hard and slipped straight off (there was alot on their)

we drew a Hitler 'tash and a pair of vampire fangs on my friend whilst he slept and when he woke up we were saying stuff like "Achtung I Vant to suck your blood!!" he didnt have a clue :P
we drew a Hitler 'tash and a pair of vampire fangs on my friend whilst he slept and when he woke up we were saying stuff like "Achtung I Vant to suck your blood!!" he didnt have a clue :P

Must try that one:lol:

I dont know if it could be seen as a practical joke but i have a friend that took a shit in a plastic bag in 9:th grade and threw it on our classroom window. The next day we said we would tell all the girls who did it and then i think he realized how stupid he was. But on a later occasion he also smeared his shit on a kindergarden helter-skelter. Many of his "jokes" include his own feeces for some reason.:)
Many of his "jokes" include his own feeces for some reason.:)


the toothbrush in the toilet is a classic! i did it to my brother a couple years ago, and im sure hes probably done it to me too.

last year for april fools day i told my boyfriend i was pregant, which was funny until he told me he was gonna kick me in the stomach...
when i was 11, i took those small pastic rings that you put on paper sheets to mend broken holes,. I put them with the sticky side up on the teacher's stool, and then when they sat on it, it would stick to their asses :p

One time, some people from my class hid himself in the cupoard in the back of the classroom. And then during a class, afterwards it had started for like 10 min, he came out of the cupoard and shouted "Hello Ms. whats-her-name " really loud
Must try that one:lol:

I dont know if it could be seen as a practical joke but i have a friend that took a shit in a plastic bag in 9:th grade and threw it on our classroom window. The next day we said we would tell all the girls who did it and then i think he realized how stupid he was. But on a later occasion he also smeared his shit on a kindergarden helter-skelter. Many of his "jokes" include his own feeces for some reason.:)

ah there have been some classic ones out there, we put a load of Vaseline over my mates stool in a chemistry lesson and he sat down it hard and slipped straight off (there was alot on their)

we drew a Hitler 'tash and a pair of vampire fangs on my friend whilst he slept and when he woke up we were saying stuff like "Achtung I Vant to suck your blood!!" he didnt have a clue :P

One of the teachers at School Of Rock Baltimore and his friends drew all over their friend when he was passed out. They made the inside and outside of his ears all black, and drew all over him. They used up 3 sharpies.

Has anyone tried putting worms in spaghetti? It works, you have to put them at the bottom though, so they don't see them. The victims expression is priceless when something in their mouth is moving.

Someone I knew opened their friends bottle of breath freshener. And they emptied it and replaced it with sweat from their armpit. And some spit.
another good'un is the simple favourite change around, on someones computer change the links of all their favourites to what ever may take your fancy, pornography if you are so inclined or something a bit more little person friendly, it is hilarious to have someone think that they are about to log into their email but instead come face to.... penis with meatspin :P
F&F: Man I'd be mega fucking someone up for that worms one. Damn. That's just harsh! :lol:

Here's two classics I used frequently;

1. Unscrew the shower head, shove a chicken bullion cube in the hole. Then replace the shower head. The next person in gets a chicken soup shower. It works every time!

2. If your kitchen sink has a sprayer next to the sink, take a rubber band and wrap it around the handle to keep the trigger pulled. Aim the nozzle in the direction of where the person would stand in front of the sink. Next time who ever tries to use the faucet, they are getting an automatic bath. It's even better if you are there to see the reaction. HA!
I put thumbtacks in people's seats. Simple, but genius. Think about it. Do people ever look before they sit? One of my friends sat on one and it stuck in his ass.:lol: Literally. He pulled it out and there was blood on it.
OK, this one always cracks me up when I go on trips.

If I'm dieing for a crap....:zombie: I would normally stop at McDonald's

I would wipe the seat, flush the loo so there is no water left and then turn off the water...:rolleyes:..the tap is down beside the loo.

then have a crap wipe my arse, sort myself then leave...:rock:

So the next person who is dieing for a crap goes to use the loo already has a crap in it tries to water.:waah:....:lol::lol::lol:
Ok so after we leave our local bar that we hang out at, we usually go mess/joke with our old neighbor, whether it be waking him up just to tell him to go back to sleep, walk in his house and start cooking something to ease our munchies or just go blow an airhorn at his bedroom window to laugh our ass off. Hey, he gets us back just as good, so don't think we're mean. We call this guy Galoot! But the best prank we ever pulled is waiting til he was sitting down for dinner all nice, turned on his favorite show and just when he is taking his first bite we blasted his hose through the screened window and his sandwich went flying agains the wall! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Lesson learned: Hey, don't leave your windows open when you sit down to eat!
the worst i have done is look at porn on my friend computer after he left the room.

turns out his mum found out and she got really pissed off at him, he didnt know it was me either.
You're not being sarcastic are you? Because that is like the funniest thing ever! LOL!

No, I'm not.

I used to get the Smosh Pokemon Theme Song video and emb it in my myspace comments. I would change the code so it would play automatically, and would loop too, and I would make it one pixel so it couldn't stop. And whenever you went to their myspace page the pokemon theme song would play.
No, I'm not.

I used to get the Smosh Pokemon Theme Song video and emb it in my myspace comments. I would change the code so it would play automatically, and would loop too, and I would make it one pixel so it couldn't stop. And whenever you went to their myspace page the pokemon theme song would play.

that is awesome, you sir win the internet.

ok a bit long winded and a bit crazy, but get 5 animals (preferably something large but can move about fairly easy, e.g sheep) then number them 1, 2, 3,4, 6 then release them in a given area (eg a school) then when they catch the 5 sheep they think there is one left some where and will never find it :P