No, I'm not.
I used to get the Smosh Pokemon Theme Song video and emb it in my myspace comments. I would change the code so it would play automatically, and would loop too, and I would make it one pixel so it couldn't stop. And whenever you went to their myspace page the pokemon theme song would play.
I'm in boy scouts and when we go camping we always pull pranks, just to name a few.
Once at a summer camp we screwed with our scoutmaster's footlocker combination until we got it open and we replaced all his clothes with pink sleeveless shirts (wife beaters as I've heard them be called) and lime green sweatpants. Best thing was when he walked out of his tent that morning wearing them, took him all day to figure out who did it, so all day he was wearing them.
Same camp we took one of our youngns, tied him to his cot and carried it out in the middle of the woods. We woke up to screaming that morning.
We took a dead gopher and threw it under a kids tent. Watching him sniff through all of his clothes trying to find out what smelled so bad was a pretty funny sight.
We put twist tie thingys on the zippers of this kid's tent, then took it down on top of him. He got so confused and after awhile an adult came and let him out. To get the guy he
thought did it back he placed poptarts in his tent. That night he woke up with a skunk in his tent

This ones less of a prank and more just evil.
In the car coming back from camping, an adult fell asleep with his mouth open. We couldn't help but take off my friend's sock(the one he had been wearing for 4 days


and cram it in his mouth. It was there well over an hour before he woke up.