Practice Routine?


New Metal Member
Jun 1, 2002
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Hey, this question is mainly for steve and tyr, but it also applies to anyone else here that plays bass...

When you practice, do you have certain things that you drill or work on or how do you go about practicing. Basically I'm trying to make myself more productive because all I seem to want to do nowadays is learn as many licks and stuff as I can from fusion bands and I think I'm in a rut. Picking up on Victor Wooten and Stu Hamm licks is fun, but I know I could be more productive.

Any tips or words of advice?
Well, probably Tyr first plays all of Vic Wooten songs, then he plays all of Stu Hamm stuff, then all of the Rush songs, then all the Black Sabbath songs (yes, including those strange last ones, like Seventh Star and stuff...), then he gets bored of playing with his fingers, then he starts playing with his foot fingers (all the songs again), with his tongue, with his hair and his ear. Ah, yes, he does it EVERY DAY!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey dude sorry for not helping you but I could not see this post and write nothing about Tyr's 6+ hours of daily practice... That's really what I would like to be able to do!

And Tyr, hahahah, take it easy dude, I am just kidding!! ;)
Originally posted by israel
Well, probably Tyr first plays all of Vic Wooten songs, then he plays all of Stu Hamm stuff, then all of the Rush songs, then all the Black Sabbath songs ...

you forgot to mention after that he plays every song
again backwards, just for evilness...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I sincerely respect Tyr's insane 6+ hour practice habit.
I should have such discipline and dedication.

Lord Hakk
I don't play bass, I play guitar so...this is what I do, I practice technique, I hammer down on the shit, once in a while I will just do what my fingers do(stream of concience playing?:D ), but usually it is practicing a song or riff that is extremely difficult and playing it over and over again until I can play it quite easily, this may take hours and involves finding the easiest way for you to play the parts, the other guitarists in the band I am in(there are 3 of us AND a bassist) always look at me funny when I play the same riff in a different fingering or with a different position, it works, I find what is easiest for me and play it, a lot of people think this is "bad" I don't, I think it helps out when developing your own style of play, you do things differently therefore you see your fretboard in another whole way. Our band really goes crazy with guitars, sometimes we do triple harmonies, or harmonized leads with a rythm going or passages with the three guitars trading off, even are bassist gets into the fun by doing the ocassional solo or harmony line, with all this shit going on live it helps to now ALL of the parts and alternate ways to play them, some parts you just can't move up or down the fretboard and find an "easier alternative", that is where technique either makes you or breaks you. So, I may not have helped you, but I have told you what helps me, and I thinkthat is what you asked for.

Cheers and Brews! Aaron Death