

Sep 7, 2007
This is for guitarists, btw.

How much do you practice per day?
Just kind of curious to see how much other people play...

I practice between 40 minutes to an hour and a half on weekdays, much longer on weekends, and my band usually has one four hour jam a week. In total about 10 hours a week. I would practice more but school/homework/all that shit gets in the way.
I used to practice 4-5 hours a day but that was a long time ago, now i'm lucky to get that in a week. I'm so caught up in studies/injuries/job etc.all I want to do is play guitar all-day-everyday.
When I was in a band we would practice 3-4 days a week, and then usually play out on fri or sat.

Now I practice/screw around about 1-3 during week,3 on weekends
I don't know... maybe a couple hours? I don't do structured practicing or anything, I improvise and come up with musical ideas I like and then I will work on them to get them up to speed.
i used to practice a lot 3-4 hours a day when i was first learning guitar
now when ever i get the chance at home to practice,my band though we practice 2 nights a week anywhere from 2 to 5 hours a night
1 hour to the whole damn day. When its school days I practice from 1-3 hours a day and in weekends I practice from like 3 hours to playing the guitar while doing any other thing I have to do. Eat playing, use computer playing, if I go out I take my fucking guitar with me. Just love playing. Just not playing guitar when I'm playing violin and this vacation days I played the whole damn day, no even touched the fucking violin.:rofl:
I practice probably less than 3 hours a week. If I practiced more, I would be godly on the bass, but I don't care enough since I'm not in a band (and I'm taking lessons)
The only time I've been "practicing" nowadays is when I write new riffs for songs, which was sparingly in the past weeks. I REALLY need to get back in shape guitar-wise.