Pre-order Lost to the Living and t-shirt


living, breathing
Apr 29, 2001
Solitary Refinement
You can now pre-order our new album "Lost to the Living" along with a shirt for a combination deal, or order just the CD, or just the shirt. By pre-ordering from, you are directly supporting the band -- thank you. All are available now on the merchandise page.

As you can imagine, we're in high gear getting all last minute things ready for the tour with Candlemass which begins on Monday. We've got a solid set list containing songs from No Reply, Dismantling Devotion and Lost to the Living. We can't wait to get out there and play our hearts out -- the moment draws near. See you on the road..
Just a query about the shirts, would (in the future) female shirts be available for purchase?

Only because I don't want to jump into pre-ordering the CD with a male shirt, the design is awesome but a men's small is literally a dress on me... :p
That album cover is fucking grim, I love it. Just pre-ordered my shirt and cd. Can't wait to hear and flaunt it!
BUT I WANT IT NOW!!! ordered the combo i guess i will just wait here trying to find some remnant of myself until it comes out...

nudge... nudge.... do you get it because its from the song......

Just bought it :rock:

I finally got my paypal account set-up and I just got the album/shirt. Can't wait to get it. I better get an Atlanta date on the next US tour for this. Haha j/k :)