Preampus METAL Series 60 Sneak Peak


May 11, 2009
Hey Guys, I just got this not too long ago from our A&R guy Nacio. This is our Artist of the month Keith Merrow using the Preampus Series 60...amazing player. I love this guys stuff...This is th best part of creating these sims...Listening to what you guys do with them...It truly makes th 18 hour days worthwhile!


Thanks Will
Yeah nothing a little low pass, or even perhaps a different Cab IR could not take care of..The trick is having all the tone to deal with first...from there its easy..When you have to start trying to add tone is where it gets hard..

Yeah very true :).
erm, so is the reampus Series 60 released yet for the public ?.. could not really find it on your website

Edit, missed the "Sneak Peak" in the title heh.. looking forward to giving it a try when its released :)
No we are going to Hold off releasing any more of these until I get through with moving..pain in the ass is moving! I won't be online for about a week after tonight. Thats the earliest I can get my Internet connection at the new place sorted. I just don't like releasing when I am not there to support it..

Finally, someone of the more "djenty" side of things is coming forth using these free ampsims! :) I haven't heard this guy before but that is one bone crushing song... I can imagine vocals, added instruments and harmonies and stuff... just wow. He has an interesting style and is not just pure generic "djent". I approve of this guy! :D

And aye, my first thought was "FIIIIIIIZZZZZ" when the song started, but it can be taken care of. Other than that, I would love slightly more of a mid boost before the amp to bring out just a little bit more growl and metallic-ness from the tone... to push it slightly more in the direction of Meshuggah/Tesseract tone :)

Looking forward to all the metal series amps you guys have in store!
Well, Ken is moving house and won't have the 'net for a few days, so I'd say some time next week at the latest, might get it out before this week is up, but we can't make any promises!

I don't expect it to be longer than a week.
Wow, I'm actually digging the amp-like fizz, but that can be very well taken care off by balancing the cymbals to the guitars appropriately.
I can't wait to give this a try. Acmebargig never ceases to impress me. :headbang:
Yep...Want to make sure he gets all the latest metal stuff from ABG...Including our Synths by "Winnie Conway"..when they come out..
If he's niot he should be...he's on the ABG forum...

Anyways wanted to mention that there was a lot of people saying that there was a "FIZZ" that came from Series 60. We went and changed it around since Keith had recorded the above. We added way more wattage(power tubes), and re-organized the high end...Fizz gone, and if my math is correct...which it probably isn't, If this amp was to be made in the real world(don't know if its possible, probably), It would be like a 8,000 watt head..

It will be released today!
Series 60 generation 2 is now released...and definitely...dick with the drive amps. drive color...soon we will have a manual explaining exactly how that is used..