Prehistory - Does It Really Matter?

To my knowledge I have never met a non-phlegmatic personailty person who was never spanked and still turned out to be a decent human being.
Because you are a scared little boy ? Or are you a scared little girl ? You say you were spanked and this is the standard by which you claim to be "abused" ? If that is abuse how do you respond to the daily ruthlessness of life in the adult world ? Parents that sit and argue back and forth with their children, taking lip service from their children is whats fucked up in this world today. Its why we need teachers aids in school and the classrooms are still out of control. Its why school kids say fuck you to their teachers and anything else they can spew out their snotty little mouths, because they can and they can get away with it. Not one of my classmates or my generation would have ever considered spewing our mouth because we knew what was comming if we did. Its called respect. Disipline is innate in rearing young, its in every species on the planet. It quick, its harsh and then its over, we move on with life because the lesson was taught... RESPECT.

Fear and deference is only the appearance of respect. Reinforcement is a far more effective teacher than punishment.
Fear and deference is only the appearance of respect. Reinforcement is a far more effective teacher than punishment.

This would imply that a parent only does one and not the other. Im not aware of that style of upbringing though Im sure it exists. But as I said, people with the horrified pussy attitudes DO NOT belong in anybody elses home.

For example, I can not nor would not walk into someone elses home and give thier out of control spoiled brat that has gotten away with every game they played their entire life a well deserved, begged for... sore ass.

Do not walk into my well controled home and tell me I can not or should not give my child a sore ass for crossing the line.

The population of the US is very mixed on this and neither side has a right to control the other... yet it happened and they destroy familys everyday for it. Yet this is how dicipline has been done since the beginning of time. And again amoungst all rearing mammals. There are rules.

Yet buy a disgusting amount of hyprocracy our very government has no problem disiplining every fucking citizen they can get their hands on for a slew of bogus laws.

Sorry I'd rather take a good ass thrashing anyday and have it be over with than played mind fuck with like the government does. Finger printed, mugshotted, branded SS# as a criminal which automatically places your job app in the waste basket. They call it ZERO tolerance... yet we are supposed to be tolerant of all this petti intrusion into personal lives, all the pussifacation, all the meddleing... LIBERALS ARE PATHETIC HYPOCRITES and I bet their closet if FULL of ghosts.
To my knowledge I have never met a non-phlegmatic personailty person who was never spanked and still turned out to be a decent human being.

If only I knew what you are saying. I hate when people use rare words. Im not bitching really, just alittle.

Either way I would say people go either way, nothing is carved in stone. Which is another good point to the topic which I already brought up. Because a comparitive small handful of parents truely "beat" thier kids for no apparent reason should not have made it a public case that anybody that uses strict dicipline on their child is a child beater. In other word, "beatings" can go either way... LOL They can be to the point of getting a point across one time for that given situation or they can be used on a constant basis for all the wrong reasons.

I have snapped on woman in stores jerking on their childs arm and the brat carries on out of control. I could tell this was a regular routeen and had no effect on the child. I could tell the child got away with murder since the day it opened its mouth. I hear them make threats, "if you dont stop i will take away your toys" I hear them plea bargin... "If you stop I'll buy you icecream later" good grief give me a fucking break. My mother told me "if you dont stop wait till we get home"... HEY... thats all I needed to hear... problem resolved.

My duaghter was one of the best behaved kids in her class, she was raised as I was. I got a handfull of spanking from my father... 3 to be exact and my mother probably 10... Dad took care of the real radical stuff. Like a few choice words I learned in 4th grade and came home and tried out on my mother. "Go to your room and wait till your father gets home... good lord was that a ruff hour, once I got three hard hand smacks to the ass it was over with, except for the week grounding. I never tried that one again... NEVER, even as a pissed off teenager... I KNEW RESPECT and I understood it... I RESPECTED it and I got respect back.

Get over it pussies ! LOL
It just occured to me... its "discipline", sorry, some days I get it other days I dont. My spelling seems to be some form of mental illness... most likely from all the "beatings" I took. I'll know a word looks wrong but cant figure it out and no I dont have time to look it up all the time. So excuse me, Im spelling retarded and always have been.
If only I knew what you are saying. I hate when people use rare words. Im not bitching really, just alittle.

Either way I would say people go either way, nothing is carved in stone. Which is another good point to the topic which I already brought up. Because a comparitive small handful of parents truely "beat" thier kids for no apparent reason should not have made it a public case that anybody that uses strict dicipline on their child is a child beater. In other word, "beatings" can go either way... LOL They can be to the point of getting a point across one time for that given situation or they can be used on a constant basis for all the wrong reasons.

I have snapped on woman in stores jerking on their childs arm and the brat carries on out of control. I could tell this was a regular routeen and had no effect on the child. I could tell the child got away with murder since the day it opened its mouth. I hear them make threats, "if you dont stop i will take away your toys" I hear them plea bargin... "If you stop I'll buy you icecream later" good grief give me a fucking break. My mother told me "if you dont stop wait till we get home"... HEY... thats all I needed to hear... problem resolved.

My duaghter was one of the best behaved kids in her class, she was raised as I was. I got a handfull of spanking from my father... 3 to be exact and my mother probably 10... Dad took care of the real radical stuff. Like a few choice words I learned in 4th grade and came home and tried out on my mother. "Go to your room and wait till your father gets home... good lord was that a ruff hour, once I got three hard hand smacks to the ass it was over with, except for the week grounding. I never tried that one again... NEVER, even as a pissed off teenager... I KNEW RESPECT and I understood it... I RESPECTED it and I got respect back.

Get over it pussies ! LOL

I salute you for that sir. :rock:
I was raised in the "wait till we go back home" and "Wait till your dad comes back home" kinda attitude. That got me on the right track. I see many of my peers whose parents were "don't do that or you won't get money" way and most of them are fucked and have no sense of respect. My twin sister does not seem to respect anybody, because whenever we had kids problem at home, i've always been the one to get shit faced. Now she's almost uncontrollable.
Kids don't know right or wrong, they only know it's fun or drag.
Thanks Hex, you always evaluate rather than jump to quick conclusions. I appreaciate your ability for full picture interpretation... I can tell you were raised well and hopefully dont become a full fledged prick like me when you become weiry of the whole scene. :lol: and :erk:
Maybe it would make more sense if we could draw some comparisons.

The following logical fallacy is our basis for comparison:

If I can produce offspring, it is my right to raise them according to my own moral standards.

Logical equivalents:

If I can build my own car, it is my right to drive it according to my own moral standards. i personnally know a profesional car mechanic that walks to work because he has never learned how to, or even tried to learn how to drive

If I can start my own bank, it is my right to operate all finances and transactions according to my own moral standards.
random people should not be allowed to run banks because allowing evil people to run banks created the "financial crisis of 2007-present
If I can engineer my own chemical food additives, it is my right to use them according to my own moral standards.
american food is poisionous
If I can synthesize my own drugs, it is my right to distribute them according to my own moral standards.
any random person can learn how to make crystal meth by doing a google search
If I can program my own computer virus, it is my right to distribute it according to my own moral standards.
has there ever been a computer virus that was actually HELPFULL???
If I can build a weapon of mass destruction, it is my right to use it according to my own moral standards.

this one doesn't even really need me to say anything
Admittedly, some comparisons are more realistic than others and the comparisons themselves can be criticized as slippery slope fallacies, but this does not change the fact that simply having the desire or capacity do perform a task does not unconditionally qualify one to do so. This argument itself is even an understatement, because it does not consider the fact that many people don't have kids due to a desire or capicity to produce children, but rather due to a lack of desire or capacity to restrain themselves from reproducing. In addition to the unfair consequences that this imposes onto the children themselves, it is also a self perpetuating cycle of idiocracy that systematically lowers the bar for each successive generation. This is a culturally unsustainable practice that not only enables, but favors those who are the least qualified to contribute to our collective future

having the desire and/or capacity to do something does not unconditionally qualify one to do so, thank you for so eloquently writing my thought on this subject
For one reason or another, he is fiercely skeptical of anything even remotely scientific and these are his default arguments for any data that he doesn't initially understand, contradicts his childhood superstitions, or just isn't personally interested in being challenged on. Clearly, according to him, if he doesn't personally understand how the evidence was obtained or why the evidence is permissable, then it must be the evidence that is suspect, as opposed to his lack of education.

This sounds like half the people I know. Distrustful of higher education, research, and FACTS. Perfectly happy in their ignorance of reality.
okay obviously you can't hear tone of voice in text

what i meant was that Black Metal White Guy is better than his dad, and that at that at the end of the day, you're parents shouldn't be honored/revered/worshipped etc etc simply because of the fact that they're your parents
when your parents are being/acting stupid, you have to treat them in the same way that you would treat other people that are saying/doing the same stupid things that you're parents are doing

"honor thy father and mother" is an instruction that had to be written down because people that breed are less worthy of being honored than sterile/gay/lesbian people

i can't have respect for someone just simply because they were capable of breeding

i still stand by this statement