Preliminary 2010 Album of the Year?

Darkane, The Crown, and Mercenary yet to hit, but between Nevermore, Soilwork, and Dark Tranquility I'm friggin' happy with metal at the moment. Super super high quality releases from seasoned metal bands that know their shit backwards. All of them are compounding on what makes them unique imo and it sounds fucking amazing.
Soilwork - The Panic Broadcast
Solution .45 - Aeons Past

Now the new Iron Maiden album comes out in the U.S. tomorrow so that will more than likely be added to the list. And though not technically an album, I love the two new Rush songs.
Goddamn, the more I listen to The Panic Broadcast, the most I realize it just shits all over anything In Flames, Dark Tranquility and Arch Enemy have done in recent years.
The only other melodeath band I think that's put out amazing records in recent years is Scar Symmetry, but then again, that band seems to just consistently put out great records.

Last Arch Enemy album (wont count The Root of All Evil because that doesn't contain actual new material) was not bad, but Dark Tranquility and In Flames just haven't done anything good in years. Most recent Dark Tranquility album was kinda 5/10 I guess.

I suppose when genres start to get old like melodeath, it gets harder and harder to bring out something interested and inspired sounding.

Check out Allegaeon. I think their recent release is pretty fucking sweet melodeath.
Scar Symmetry never got to me - I couldn't get through any of their things (Pitch Black Progress and Holographic Universe) without thinking I should have just put on a Soilwork album to begin with.


You're missing out. Per Nilsson is a fucking awesome guitarist.
It's not like I didn't listen to them... it just seemed like someone had grabbed all the things on Modern Metal Shopping List v. 483 but didn't really assemble them so much as toss them in the same corner and call it a day.

edit: By the way, how the hell do you treat your mixes as math problems? Read that a while ago when I was digging for information. I'm quite interested in your workflow. :)

The same way I treat everything else as a math problem... it's not the kind of thing you can learn without doing a lot of math or the kind of thing you can forget after learning it. My workflow is practically nonexistent, and would probably remind one more of a small child sampling everything in the candy store at once than a craftsman carefully choosing his tools and materials from a warehouse. I haven't been able to mix anything lately, though, and even when I could it wasn't always the most efficient way of doing things.

Starve For the Devil - Arsis.

It was decent, it only wins because everything else blows hard. In my opinion of course.
So far, in no particular order:
Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy
Rage - Strings To A Web
Scorpions - Sting In The Tail
Grand Magus - Hammer Of The North

Gotta listen to new Sabaton and Grave Digger as well...
Saturday I finally brought my CD collection up to level. There we're some releases I still really wanted to get:
Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy
Soilwork - The Panic Broadcast
Impending Doom - There Will be Violence

Got more CD's tho, but these ones are my top ones for this year..
For me, I would have to say the new Soilwork and Solution .45 albums. I actually didn't care for the Solution .45 album after the first listen. It has definitely grown on me quite a bit. Diamond Eyes by the Deftones was pretty good too, but I don't know that I would call it album of the year.
Probably Eye of the Enemy - Weight of Redemption.

A good tell-tale sign of a bad year for music when all you dug was stuff you worked on. Either that or something is trying to tell you a personal favourite genre change is imminent.

Waiting for a new Meshuggah album, that's all (not even sure if that's this year, next, or whatever). Nothing else even remotely interests me that I've heard in 2010. Loomis wrote some cool riffs, but Warrel ruined that album to a point where it's beyond salvageable.
Plenty of stuff i'm diggin so far this year

Isahn - After
Viatrophy - S/T
Dillinger - Option Paralysis
Mantric - The Descent
Sevendust - Cold Day Memory
Deftones - Diamond Eyes
Heathen - The Evolution of Chaos
Levi / Werstler - Avalanche of Worms
Haken - Aquarius
Sons of Aurelious
I wanted to write: "It's Devin with 'Addicted' so far, in an overall weak year for me personally.", then I realized it was actually released in 09 already. Go figure.