Presenting: The Armadillo Death Squad!

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey all,

Sorry for the delay, I was sidetracked by a paid project. However, I've FINALLY got this bastard mixed down.

Here ya go:
Armadillo Death Squad Theme Song

If I get the credits wrong, please forgive me, it's been a very long, confusing process with numerous changes.

Music/Lyrics/Armadillo King: Midget Donkeys
Additional Lyrics: Owen, Chris P. Critter, Jevo
Vocals: Loren Littlejohn
Drums: T.J. Dowhaniuk
Bass: Dan Lights (I think... someone verify please!)
Rhythm Guitar/Recording/Mix: Glenn Fricker
Second Breakdown voice: Adam Giles

Guitar Solo credits:

Opening Solo: Midget Donkeys
1st shred solo: Jevo
2nd shred solo: Brandon White (from Assassinate the Following)
3rd shred solo: Midget Donkeys

I think that about covers it. If any corrections are needed, let me know & I'll adjust accordingly.

Meanwhile, post your comments & questions. ENJOY!:heh:
Glenn, this came out great.

The vocals need more ambience and should be a bit more up front in my opinion. I love your fucking singing, Loren. It is AWESOME.
Excellent work. Congrats!

and yeah, singing is awesome (reminded me a bit on early Soundgarden :lol:)
Haha, nice job, great song!

Glen, there are some mistakes in the credits. I did one strophe of the lyrics and someone else that I don't remember also did some, apart from Midegt I mean.

And the first solo is mine!:mad:
That was me I think, I threw in two stanzas that midget donkeys edited slightly.

Just listening now, cool stuff :lol:

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