Presenting: The Armadillo Death Squad!

Ah... ok... no problem... what amp chain did you use? I don't think I reamped this one.

No real amp at all. I did it at home with Onqel's TSE plugin and some impulses and a little Profire 610.
Anyway, I also sent DI tracks to Midget just in case you would prefer to reamp them, so if you didn't reamp it, and neither did Midget, then it must be that plugin.
You didn't mention anything you did on the bass? I only sent DI so you had to have done some processing on it.

I remember hearing Loren's vocals when he posted them, and definitely the uninteligibility was there before the mix, probably just a bad mic choice I guess.

I have to add about the bass, that I feel I could've done a much better job at it rhythmically, specially now after hearing the final drums. The backing track I recorded too had the programmed drums which were I have to say pretty dull rhythmic wise, and since I found myself struggling with the dull drums in trying to be rhythmically creative with the bass as I tend to do, so out of a bit of frustration and thinking it's just a joke song and nobody gives a fuck about the basslines in it, I decided to just go straight with the guitars.

Now after hearing it with the real drums, I feel the bass could've given so much more to the song if I would've put more effort (or would've had the real drums to track to). Just felt I had to say it, although as said before, it's just a joke song and nobody cares about the bass.

Btw I already confirmed it was me who did the bass, so you can take out the doubt hahaha My real name is Daniel Luces