Presenting: The Armadillo Death Squad!

LMFAO. Ridiculous. I gotta get my fuckin setup back up and working again so I can contribute to shiz like this
Yeah, I thought I'd try a few new things with the drums.

The Overheads are using the Glyn Johns Technique..... but with an Andy-type rolloff at around 600hz, so the body of the drums still comes from the close mics. I'm impressed with just how smooth the cymbals turned out.

The snare is a Pork Pie Big Black Brass with Tama zinc hoops. I've never cranked the heads up that high before, but I was listening to a lot of "System of a Down" lately & thought it might work here. 57 up top, Studio Projects C4 on bottom.... NO sample replacement on the snare & toms. They're 100% human. The kick is a Slate sample.

Snare & OH were using API 512c, toms were Great River MP2NV and Vintech dual 72.

The rest of the kit was my DW collector's maple. 421's on the rack toms, ATM 25 on floor. SM7 for the room, although I don't have much of it in the mix.

Lead guitars: Solo 1 and solo 4 were using my Peavey Windsor, if you can believe that! It's really great for lead tones.
Solo 3 was a Dual Recto set to "spongy" and "tube recto"
Solo 2 by recemgsol used the tracks he sent me. Great job, dude!
Rhythm guitars were a 57 and 421 combo, with a fair amount of post-EQ. I wound up playing these because I thought quad-tracking would be more effective for this song. .... The verses are all downpicked, btw.... made my wrist hurt!

API 512c was used for all guitars.
Yeah, I thought I'd try a few new things with the drums.

The Overheads are using the Glyn Johns Technique..... but with an Andy-type rolloff at around 600hz, so the body of the drums still comes from the close mics. I'm impressed with just how smooth the cymbals turned out.

The snare is a Pork Pie Big Black Brass with Tama zinc hoops. I've never cranked the heads up that high before, but I was listening to a lot of "System of a Down" lately & thought it might work here. 57 up top, Studio Projects C4 on bottom.... NO sample replacement on the snare & toms. They're 100% human. The kick is a Slate sample.

Snare & OH were using API 512c, toms were Great River MP2NV and Vintech dual 72.

The rest of the kit was my DW collector's maple. 421's on the rack toms, ATM 25 on floor. SM7 for the room, although I don't have much of it in the mix.

Thanks for sharing this precious informations, Oz :kickass:

The cymbals sounds very smooth indeed. Kudos for the fact you didn´t replace the snare..(this is so tempting) tbh I replace the snare usually 60%, but I recorded drums before I knew there actually exists replacement programs, so I went through this hell and the more I do appreciate the effort by renouncing replacement. This is the actual difficulty in studios.

@to all involved. Great Job, dudes!
I fucking love the song, but some criticisms:

Even after listening to it about 50 times, I still can't make out much of the main sung vocals apart from something about "on the run".
And the mix seems a little rough.
Great sounding guitars and bass, but they just seem to totally cloud the vocals (seems I'm not the only one having issues with the intelligibility of the vocals either) and then also the snare, which itself could probably benefit from a nice boost around 250Hz.
Cymbals do sound pretty good though
jesus harry... Glenn did this for nothing on his free time... and he did it with some rough vocal and guitar recordings... so, just enjoy it and leave the criticisms man.
jesus harry... Glenn did this for nothing on his free time... and he did it with some rough vocal and guitar recordings... so, just enjoy it and leave the criticisms man.

I said I listened to it about 50 times man:lol:
I fucking love the song man, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement, at least IMHO anyway. I think my post was more than reasonable, but at any rate I'm not looking to get into another argument either, so I'll leave it at that
Opening solo mine? I think there is some kind of mistake, mine starts at 3:19 not opening. Ffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Ah... ok... no problem... what amp chain did you use? I don't think I reamped this one.

Obviously I've got your solo confused with what recemgsol sent me. Oh well, fuckit... it still turned out great! Credits adjusted again.
The Peavey Windsor fucking slays man.
Hard to believe an amp for that cheap produces that kinda tone, fucking incredible
I'm telling you man, I really think the lack of intelligibility can be blamed on my recording more than it can Glenns mix.

I have to agree. I couldn't understand you even with the vocals soloed! It's not a recording thing, IMO, it's a performance thing. There wasn't much intelligibility in the rapid-fire stuff: I had to read the lyrics to make out what you were saying.

No big deal, really, I think it gives the track some character.
Glenn, have the lyrics been posted anywhere on the board before?
If not, would you be able to post 'em up?
I said I listened to it about 50 times man:lol:
I fucking love the song man, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement, at least IMHO anyway. I think my post was more than reasonable, but at any rate I'm not looking to get into another argument either, so I'll leave it at that

i didn't say you didn't like it.. i said you are being overly critical of something that was done for fun. i don't know about you, but whenever i do something for shiggles and a favor, if anyone starts getting too persnickety about details, i invite them to go piss up a rope and then check again to see if that made it sound any better.

c'mon.. Glenn did a great job, and he did it for nothing... show some appreciation, without lacing it with pointless criticism, so he can feel good about the time he invested, and let the man get back to his paying work.

otherwise you come off like the shit head that complains about the frosting on the free cake at his surprise birthday party.

common sense Harry, c'mon now.

Great job Glenn.
It's all good. I always appreciate honest criticism. Turns out, with a bit of EQ, the vocals can be made a bit more intelligible. But then again, I like the snare the way it is.

I'll probably re-render it in the morning and repost.

Anyway, the ironic thing about the Windsor is that the overdrive pedal I used cost more than the amp did! That & it's being run through a Mesa cab. Regardless, it's the best $199 I ever spent.

Here's the Lyrics:

look in my yard just the other day
Holes everywhere some one has to pay
Armadillos the ones I will slay
PETA doesn’t like it, screw'em there gay

They came from space in armoured ships
Bringing their rabies and leper shits
Maim them and kill them, bury them deep
Or they'll rape all your sheeps

I loaded up my "9"
Now it's killing time
Armadillo's on the run
The bloodshed has begun

Watch out armadillo
I'm a death angel with a gun
When he's in my garden
That dillo better run

And when it's all over
And those dillos want more
I'm gonna rev my engines
And chase em with my 4x4.