Priest/Queensryche in Tampa


Sep 21, 2004
Great show! At first I was a little worried about the turn out for this one because during QR set the place was only about half full. By the time JP came on it was packed. They didn't have the lawn seats open, but I would say a good 12,000 or so people were there. Last time I seen them they played a 1200 seat place with Ripper, so it was cool to see these guys in front of a big crowd again.

QR did a good set with mostly older tunes. I heard they were only going to play stuff from the first 3-4 albums, but that wasn't true. Nice to hear 'Queen of the Ryche' again, even though they cut it a bit short. Could have did without the two Tribe songs. But overall a good set. Only song off of mindcrime was 'the Needle lies'. They also played a new one from OM2, and I was impressed with what I heard. Sounds like they are heading in the right direction with the new album. Closed with 'Take hold of the Flame'. They played about an hour.

Then JP came on. Lots of energy from the crowd and we were 7 rows back so we could feel the crowd really into it. Metal is definitley coming back boys and girls! I think Halford is a little under the weather or something? He sounded great but for the first 3-4 songs he didn't move around much and he seemed to have trouble climbing the stairs and shit. Of course his long leather and steel coats and boots with spurs on them probably didn't help! After those songs he seemed to pep up. I don't know if he took something but he was moving around quite a bit after that. They also did a really good set consisting of songs from their career and 4 or 5 off the new one. The crowd seemed to be into the new stuff also, so thats a good sign. Highlights were 'Diamonds and Rust', 'Beyond the Realms of Death', and 'The Sentinel'.
Worth the ticket price for sure. If you get a chance check them out on this tour.
Sounds like a cool show. I thought about going to the Virginia show, but it fell on a bad night...
I wish they did The Sentinel in NJ. :(

I was more impressed with Queensryche at this show than I was with Priest. Priest was too loud and Halford was even louder. The sound was still clear though. I thought Halford sounded better 5 years ago opening for Maiden. But my friend saw this show in Tampa, and said he was dead I don't know......
I'm gonna see them July 8th at the Verizon Wireless Ampitheater in Irvine, CA. Cannot wait for this!! It's also on the same day i have a show, so for my jock choices that day, you're looking at ALL Priest and 'Ryche tunes!