Priest reunion good news for Iced Earth?

I'd think Ripper would make a good IE singer, as it would force Jon to change his style of songwriting and maybe, just MAYBE, come up with some new riffs. Speed metal, Priest, IE can do no wrong when they play fast. And Ripper excels on that kind of stuff.
Pyrus said:
I'd think Ripper would make a good IE singer, as it would force Jon to change his style of songwriting and maybe, just MAYBE, come up with some new riffs. Speed metal, Priest, IE can do no wrong when they play fast. And Ripper excels on that kind of stuff.

Rob, KK and Glenn wrote Painkiller. And how can you say that Demolition is a speed metal album?
I keep hearing ripper in either pantera or iced earth in people's rumors or hopes. He isn't shedding tears. He is happy that rob is back in the band and meanwhile, he is in a perfect situation as he is a good vocalist and alot of bands might need one.
Does anyone else wonder if maybe the reason Jon seemed to hint that news of a new singer was coming soon on the official site almost a month ago, then no news, had anything to do with having to wait for Judas Priest to announce the reunion with Rob before he could announce Ripper as his new singer?
I'm just curious if anyone else out there thinks maybe thats why there was a delay, because Jon's post made it seem like he already had the singer and details would follow shortly.
*cries* i love halford. As for the thing with ripper and Iced earth, if jon already had him lined up, would they have cancelled wacken? i think it is merely coincidence.
Typhoon, you hit the nail on the head. Maybe one of those uplifting emails that Jon got was from Ripper, maybe that's why Jon said he felt so re-energized. In Jon's interviews he constantly states how he hates dealing with primadonna singers. To me its a win win situation. It will give Iced Earth some much needed recognition from old school metal fans who haven't heard of them yet.
I actually think Ripper would work in Iced Earth. No he wouldn't be like Matt, but he would bring a different style to the band. I think Matt may be a different type of singer than Ripper, but you can't really say better or worse, its all opinion anyway. Matt was (is) an amazing singer, it will be hard to follow him, but can it be harder than following Rob Halford? I saw Priest twice with Rob (Ram It Down, and Painkiller) and once with Ripper (Demolition, the tour Iced Earth was supposed to open before 9/11 happened) After Iced Earth couldn't open, I thought about just selling the tickets, I mean how could anyone follow Rob live? But I figured I'd go watch Anthrax and was all set to be disappointed by Priest..but guess what.. Not only wasn't I disappointed, I was extremely impressed. Ripper hit every note that Rob hits, and he could sing the low notes too. I left the concert glad I hung in there, and amazed by Ripper's ability.
So anyway, I think if this does happen, it would work out pretty well for Iced Earth, more name recognition from a singer who was in Judas Priest, and a singer who can definitely handle himself, and is used to the whole "new guy" thing. No he won't be the same as Matt, he may not be better, he may not be worse, he will just be different. Hopefully that goes for whoever the new singer may be.. I have faith that Jon will make the right choice for Iced Earth.