Priest/Saxon last night

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Nige T


Fuckin Awesome!!

Saxon were brilliant and so were Priest.

I was the idiot screaming for Solid Ball Of Rock at Biff!

Gig of the year no question.

What was the filming you were doing Vince??

Awesome can be the Only way to describe last night! Saxon were Top Drawer and the alcohol we bought Nibbs In the Beehive beforehand did not effect him at all! Great Set list, Saxon may well have won over some people with that display! See Ya in March Nibbs and Co! Pity There's no London date!

Judas Priest were also Very Good it has to be said! I do prefer Halford but Ripper is an ideal replacement!

It is definitely up there as one of the Gigs of the Year!

London Boy! Surrey!

Glad you all enjoyed the show - brilliant is all I can say also!!

The filming was some backstage snippets which may make it onto the DVD next year. So if you were up front when I had my 15 seconds of fame - walking out on Biff's stage then you may be on the DVD!