Priest vs Manowar.... help me settle an argument!

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Who is the better of the 2 bands who have said they set out to "define heavy metal"?

Manowar or Priest?

I say Priest by faaaaaaaaaaar. Manowar are only great at one thing in my opinion, which is really tapping into that proud metal spirit in their anthems. Otherwise, I think their musicianship is very average, alot of their songwriting is half arsed, and their attemps at epics are terrible and disjointed. I mean I love Manowar, but Priest are so much better! Manowar sound like they try too hard to define metal. Priest don't. With Priest it's natural, its just excellent British metal that pretty much sums up everything metal is about, rather than using sound bites of swords clashing in songs and the rawest production possible to achieve that.

It's like Z-Grade movies. Some are naturally really bad, so they become "so bad they're good" type films because they are funny. Then there are ones which try to deliberately bad and its so forced that it isn't funny, just boring and lame.

(Not that I'm saying traditional metal is bad hahaha, just using an example of something being forced and overdone)

Manowar could never write anything as intense as Painkiller, or as emotional and power as Beyond The Realms Of Death either.
Who the hell said Manowar is better than Priest? The poor bastards must be mad! :eek:
I've not heard much manowar, only their first album, and they're good. but they weren't a patch on any of Priest's songs, not even the weaker ones. Priest are fantastic. i have never heard the likes of the guitar work on Ram It Down. such a great song. And Painkiller is almost perfect for my tastes. good guitar, good rhythm, good bass lines, good vocals. it's another great song! Not forgetting the likes of Hell Bent For Leather. I mean, c'mon. What bands can write songs anywhere near the standard Priest did? (excepting Maiden obviously. ;) )