PRIMER (a movie)

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
Has anyone seen this movie yet? I just watched it tonight and absolutely need to watch it again tomorrow in order to figure more shit out. What a mindfuck of a movie. It's been a while since I have seen a movie like this. I still cannot believe that Carruth managed to pack all THAT into only 77 minutes!!
yeah, it was a total mindfuck. took me 2 nights to get to watch the whole thing. The great/frstrating/annoying thing about it is that no matter how close you watch you will never figure out what the hell is "exactly" going on.

the director is an ex-engineer that got sick of his job and decided to make movies, so there is an air of authenticity and math talk all around. the cool thing about it that it could easily have come across as pretentious but it is not. The editing is what makes the whole thing totally wicked and the disjointed dialogue.

i was all hyped about it after watching it, but now I am not sure I really care to figure it out. :loco: ...
yeah, it was a total mindfuck. took me 2 nights to get to watch the whole thing. The great/frstrating/annoying thing about it is that no matter how close you watch you will never figure out what the hell is "exactly" going on.

And this is appealing how?!?! When I sit down for 2 hours to watch a flick I want to be wrapped up in the escapism of it all. While coming away with moments where the movie either makes you reflect on your own way of life, or puts a new perspective on the world around you. Any good movie can achieve this to some degree at least once. Primer however, failed minute after long minute. I have never looked at the dvd timer so many damn times during one movie before. Absolutely atrocious! Sure I can relate to wanting to actually dissect a movie to find the point, but I surely believe that this film is lacking any direction whatsoever, no matter how many damn times you view it. O.K two cocktokers out of the blue come up with some glorified sun tan bed that is used to go back in time. I'm with it up to that point, then it just weaves in and out of absurdity, all the while not sucking me in one bit. Pure Drivel!!! :mad:

The whole nutjob with a shotgun storyline was about as enjoyable as waxing my balls.
hahaha ... I agree with RIA ... but having studied film in college can appreicate the oddball flick here and there ... just like you guitar strumming fags can appreciate Grabmycock
My girlfriend calls them "gaytars" which I find hilarious.

Then I shove my balls in her face, which I also find hilarious.
I read that as "shaved my balls" - which I did recently. I don't think the wife noticed.
Next time do what I do, 7am in the shower I start singing "I'm shaaaaaaaaaving my baaaaaaaaaaaaaalllls" to the tune of The Sound of Music.
In the shower?! Jesus. I just meant a trim with the ol' hair trimmer. There's no way I'm actually SHAVING my balls.
Oh. Yeah I totally stepped up to Krigloch the Shornsack territory. About once a week I whip out the olde blade and go to town, sumbitches don't even get irritated anymore.

This discussion is not homoerotic AT ALL.