Pro Tools 7.4 (I upgraded)

I would like to see a video of this done on some real drums. I seen a video some time ago about the elastic thing but kinda just blew it off as the dude was doing like techno music. :puke:

Now I'm kinda curious about this just for the drum thing you mention. :Smug:
Pro Tools 7.4 is nice, the MIDI is finally decent, and I am glad to have it for compatibility with the many Pro Tools users I know, but I am switching to Cubase because I am sick of Digidesign's imposed limitations, and many of my favorite bands are Cubase die-hards. Just put my order in for Cubase 4 tonight. Wish me luck!
Pro Tools 7.4 is nice, the MIDI is finally decent, and I am glad to have it for compatibility with the many Pro Tools users I know, but I am switching to Cubase because I am sick of Digidesign's imposed limitations, and many of my favorite bands are Cubase die-hards. Just put my order in for Cubase 4 tonight. Wish me luck!

its done some funny things to me already though....
It occasionaly miscalculates waveform overviews! wiiiiiiiiiiiierd
Pro Tools 7.4 is nice, the MIDI is finally decent, and I am glad to have it for compatibility with the many Pro Tools users I know, but I am switching to Cubase because I am sick of Digidesign's imposed limitations, and many of my favorite bands are Cubase die-hards. Just put my order in for Cubase 4 tonight. Wish me luck!

Pro Tools 7.4 is nice, the MIDI is finally decent, and I am glad to have it for compatibility with the many Pro Tools users I know, but I am switching to Cubase because I am sick of Digidesign's imposed limitations, and many of my favorite bands are Cubase die-hards. Just put my order in for Cubase 4 tonight. Wish me luck!

nothing wrong with cubase..I would say for most people it runs great and the midi capabilities are without it handles vst's better than anything ( as it should)..I use reaper but I may go back to cubase as it will integrate much better with the mackie control I just bought..I don't think you can edit audio with the speed and ease of protools or reaper but you can get it done for sure..and I like alot of the included plug-ins..

the main problem I have with steinberg is there tech support , failure to fix bugs form previous version and dropping features of pasts version without warning...
Oh I intend to get studio 4 as well soon. This was cheaper though ($50 vs. $99).

I still love cubase. I agree with you though t-rave Steinberg can sucks fat worthless dick, run by a bunch of tools. I haven't been to the cubase forums in a long ass time because I fail to see how this is a good substitution for real tech support. Also from the one person I know that has called about cubase the phone conversation ended with "fuck you, you conceded asshole" and this to me means that yes indeed Steinberg is a horrid company to deal with in regards to them listening AT ALL.

But damnit, there DAW (when it works) is just kickass.