Pro-Tools 8 users; can we collect some tips in this thread?


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK

Can we collect some tips in this thread for me and others who might not be so experienced with PT. I have M-Powered, and I've done some midi loop recording; now it has created lots of regions. I'm trying to figure out how to cycle through the regions whilst playing back, so I can audition the best ones; In Reaper I would just press 'T' to switch between the takes.

Might be useful to collect some quick tips together!
shift+S will solo whatever track the edit cursor is on. in X-OR Solo mode soloing a new track will cancel the previously soloed track.

p and ; move the cursor up and down.

comping and MIDI playlists aren't the same as audio ones or it would be easier. What I'd do in your situation is make several MIDI tracks, one for each of the regions, each outputting to the same virtual instrument on an instrument track.
A fairly well known Pro Tools feature is the Multiple Takes pop-up selector, which allows you quickly to switch between takes recorded in Loop mode. This is accessed by selecting the recorded region, then Command (Ctrl)-clicking it with the Selector tool.

There is also a way to get lanes which I've forgotten, since I've never used it.
Select all the tracks you want to send to the bus then Alt + Shift (on PC) click on the bus you want to send to and they will all be set to go there. Alt clicking will set ALL the tracks in the session to go to that bus. Alt + Shift + Ctrl will set them to go incrementally starting at that bus and ending whenever.