Pro Tools 9 & Cubase Help Required


Feb 27, 2008
Hey All,

I've been trying to figure out why Cubase 5 makes noise on playback using the 002 as it's main device output.
All the i/o's are correct signals comming out from left right however it's crackling on playback...could it be my hardrive? If i play it bypassing the 002 and off the computers soundcard no noise.

Question 2.
I'm trying to undersatand why in Pro Tools 9 just did a cs update whenever i try and save a setting in the plug in Mod Dly 2 and say i go with medium dly,i set the note to what i like say in this instance it's a quarter note and i try and mess with the ms(milliseconds) i keep finding that my note defaults back to no note, if that makes any sense.

Anyone have the know how as to what or why i may be encountering these two scenarios.
one thing to try with your question 1 is raise the latency in the soundcard settings of cubase and see if it helps, try 256 or 512 buffer size to start with.
Thanks for your suggestion DM,
I messed with it last night after posting went down to 512 buffer and then went all the way 4020 or whatever it is and unfortunately it didn't eliminate the unwanted noise.
I guess i'll just have to go with out Cubase at the moment.

In the setting window where you can choose your buffer size it also has two options where you can choose either adat or spidif and in this instance im running internal,meaning no adat connection available however it doesn't give you the option of un ticking either of those two options seems to default...i wonder if that's it?

Then im also wondering if it's the firewire?

Anyway thanks again and i'll see if i can solve it sooner rather than later.