Pro Tools 9

After you record the takes, click on the waveform option of the channel (where you choose what you see in the edit window, like volume, pan, blocks) and choose playlist. It will open all the playlists under the channel, now when you solo one playlist it will play only that one, with the rest of the tracks, if you want to listen to this track only, you have to solo the channel too.
It's less complicated to explain personally, any questions just ask!!!
Look in the manual for "playlists".
I would suggest, as AdamWathan suggested me and I still thank him for that, that you take a one month subscription at and watch all the Pro Tools tutorials there. VERY good stuff and much more entertaining than reading the manual.
Thanks Brett, I'll check out the videos. I appreciate AVID's effort to make a good manual but 1200 pages are just ridiculous :OMG:
After you record the takes, click on the waveform option of the channel (where you choose what you see in the edit window, like volume, pan, blocks) and choose playlist. It will open all the playlists under the channel, now when you solo one playlist it will play only that one, with the rest of the tracks, if you want to listen to this track only, you have to solo the channel too.
It's less complicated to explain personally, any questions just ask!!!
Thanks. This (and a look in the manual) helped a lot, obviously there a at least three completely different ways to manage multiple takes.
Sadly, none of them feels as intuitive and fast as the take-folder in Logic.. but I guess everybody would say that when learning a new DAW.

I tried Beat-Detective on several raw drumtracks and love it already.
Only sometimes it fucks up hard, especially if there are any triplets. I know I can set BD to recognise triplets and I also set the grid accordingly but it just won't get them right sometimes.. to be more specific: It detects the hits correct, but moves them into a completely wrong place.
I use this metod in Pro Tools and i think its the fastest and best way to do it...
Ive never had problems with triplets in beat detective, you just have to get used to it, i guess...
quick question guys: I have PT LE 8 now. Do I just have to use the crossgrade updater or the full installer to get PT9? The dealer said, you need to install the full installer first and then the updater... but that doesnt make sense to me... anyone already done that?
Thanks Brett, I'll check out the videos. I appreciate AVID's effort to make a good manual but 1200 pages are just ridiculous :OMG:

Thanks. This (and a look in the manual) helped a lot, obviously there a at least three completely different ways to manage multiple takes.
Sadly, none of them feels as intuitive and fast as the take-folder in Logic.. but I guess everybody would say that when learning a new DAW.

I tried Beat-Detective on several raw drumtracks and love it already.
Only sometimes it fucks up hard, especially if there are any triplets. I know I can set BD to recognise triplets and I also set the grid accordingly but it just won't get them right sometimes.. to be more specific: It detects the hits correct, but moves them into a completely wrong place.

triplets have to be apprached completly seperatly. IE you need to slice and quantize them seperatly from normal beats.
quick question guys: I have PT LE 8 now. Do I just have to use the crossgrade updater or the full installer to get PT9? The dealer said, you need to install the full installer first and then the updater... but that doesnt make sense to me... anyone already done that?
You can do a full install with what the dealer called the crossgrade updater.
Anyone here with HD9 TDM that can share their experience so far? I'm on 8.1 and it's a stability nightmare... if PT9 is a big improvement in that regard, it'd be worth the upgrade.
From What ive heard 9 is a big improvement on all platforms but for the best info id go have a look on the Avid DUC forum as there will be more HD users there.
i'm on 8.1 and it sucks ridiculously bad. multiple crashes per day, corrupted files, the whole deal....
from reading the DUC, PT9 is a lot more stable but there are two big bugs that make it useless to me - import session data crash and vocalign LE doesn't work. stuck with the POS that is 8.1 until they fix those...
i'm on 8.1 and it sucks ridiculously bad. multiple crashes per day, corrupted files, the whole deal....
from reading the DUC, PT9 is a lot more stable but there are two big bugs that make it useless to me - import session data crash and vocalign LE doesn't work. stuck with the POS that is 8.1 until they fix those...

I encountered the import session data bug today. It really is a pain in the ass, but Avid support acknowledges the bug and is working on it already.
sorry to hi-jack this thread again, but I hope there are lots of people that could answer my question:
I crossgraded from 8 LE to 9.0. SInce that I dont use LE anymore, obviously. I wondered if I could sell my Mbox with the LE Software now, or if there may be problems with the registration then. It can't get crossgraded again, I know, but are there other things to keep in mind when selling?
sorry to hi-jack this thread again, but I hope there are lots of people that could answer my question:
I crossgraded from 8 LE to 9.0. SInce that I dont use LE anymore, obviously. I wondered if I could sell my Mbox with the LE Software now, or if there may be problems with the registration then. It can't get crossgraded again, I know, but are there other things to keep in mind when selling?

you should do a transfer of ownership when you sell it.