Pro Tools freezes when "restoring miscellaneous files." Awesome....


No Care Ever
So I've had absolutely no problems with this project up until tonight, but every time i try to load one of the saves or one of the session backup saves, it freezes when it gets to the "restoring miscellaneous files" point....:cry:

I've run into a problem similar to this before and it turned out to be a plugin that was screwing things up(but instead it would just completely crash mid load, and i could never figure out which plugin it was). So i started saving a session with all of the tracks disabled, which was a workaround for the problem(for some reason it will load the session with disabled tracks, and has no problem enabling the tracks and plugins once the session is loaded). Unfortunately i forgot to save a "no plugin" version this time, so i'll be losing a day's worth of work if i can't figure this out.

anyone have any clue as to what i can do? This is driving me nuts.

I've already tried deleting my preference files and all that stuff
I'm running PT 7.4 on XP pro
Yea Ive had similar problems and more so with protools 8. Its a plugin that is out of date I'm sure and there is not much you can do unless you get rid of that plug or update it. I'm sure there is some work around but the problem will happen again and other problems as well. Take my word for it as Ive had crazy errors happen from plugins being out of date. Figuring out which one it is should be some fun.
Yeah, I've serviced a couple studios fixing hardware and software issues, and in my experience with protools, plugins are the problem 99% of the time. The pirated waves plugins can cause A LOT of trouble........
If all it does is trash my pref files and unicode files, then i'm not really missing out on anything...

Well if you already do that stuff then no you aren't missing out, with the exception that it does it all for you with the click of one button. It's alot easier then finding all the individual files on multiple drives.

Since I've used that program about once a week, I've had ZERO problems with protools...I mean nothing. No crashes, no slowdown, no DAE errors....nothing.
Yeah, I've serviced a couple studios fixing hardware and software issues, and in my experience with protools, plugins are the problem 99% of the time. The pirated waves plugins can cause A LOT of trouble........

Yep could not agree more and Protools 8 needs waves v6 as well!