pro tools guys - MPTK2 or just increased track count and BD

I saw some people on ebay and GS selling just the increased track count and beat detective parts of the MPTK for around £100. I'm not really looking to spend much more than that right now, and as far as I know im not too fussed about missing out on the other features.

does anyone think i should hold out and go for the whole MPTK? is there any upgrade routes?

is there anything ill be seriously missing?
Seems weired to me that there selling just parts of the mptk 2 kit. As far as I know you have to buy the whole kit to get muti-track Bd and more track/buss count. Sounds like a crack or someone selling something they should not. Maybe someone else knows more and can help but I would hold off on buying that.....
You got me wondering about this also now! :heh:

I could care less about the plugins that come with mptk 2, I just want the multi track beat detective and more tracks for protools 8 as well. Its such a good deal I almost can't resist myself now!! Anyone else have any input on this or is anyone using this?
I bought the original MPTK so i could have 48 tracks... fucker doesnt work with 8.0 so thats the suck...

I only need 48 tracks... the most I've used in any given session is 37 tracks... so... I'm good in that respect...

Just one question... what do you need with more than 48 tracks?
Honestly I don't but I would like to have case i have just in case i need them someday. I just need the multi-track beat detective. Well I want i don't need...:heh:
Maybe someone with mptk 2 can chime in...

I'm wondering if you can sell your ilok license for just the multi track beat detective and the extra tracks and not the plugins for the music production toolkit 2?
Are you sure? My rep told me that it would work fine and I would get 64 stereo....I could upgrade to the mptk2 for $50 if I wanted the new plugins.

You are correct - it increases the track count to 64 in PT 8, you just don't get a few of the new plugins.
Nice of you to think of me!

I upgraded to mptk2 , all I really got out of it was eleven , which is mint
Well worth the money though!
Hey guys not trying to sound like a dick but... I know what plugins comes with mptk and mptk 2 and how much a upgrade is. I'm more concerned if its legit to sell the Ilok license for just more tracks and multi track beat detective part of mptk 2. Some people are selling like this on ebay and such and its kinda cheap as i don't care about any plugins anyway in mptk or mptk 2.
Im pretty sure thatd actually be legit... this is part of my iLok account

the toolkit is separate from the plugins.... maybe whoever bought it wants to keep the plugins but just sell toolkit, id message them...
I would be keen as for a cheaper version without plugins.. I hate MPTK on 7.4 and Im dying without multitrack BD!!! Im considering buying MPTK2 to get just that.. extra track count is useful just in case, and MP3 export handy too sometimes..
I just Bought it from ebay and its legit and works like a charm. People just split up all the plugins in the mptk and sell everything separate to try and make more cash that way. I got it for 150.00 plus 25 for the Ilok transfer fee so 175.00 total. Not a bad price in my eyes and I'm sure if you waited you could find it cheaper.....