pro tools guys - MPTK2 or just increased track count and BD

Its totally legal as your Ilok splits the license between plugings and the toolkit itself (which contains multi track beat detective and more tracks) as greyskull posted in picture which shows this. So yea works great and I have the license on my Ilok. I even spoke with dude selling it, and they buy these from studio closeouts and such and Like i said above, they just split up and sell each license separate for more cash.
Its totally legal as your Ilok splits the license between plugings and the toolkit itself (which contains multi track beat detective and more tracks) as greyskull posted in picture which shows this. So yea works great and I have the license on my Ilok. I even spoke with dude selling it, and they buy these from studio closeouts and such and Like i said above, they just split up and sell each license separate for more cash.

Do you have a link to the guy you bought from on ebay? I'm going Pro Tools here in a couple months and I'd like to get the toolkit without the extra plug in's because I really don't have a need for the plug in's the toolkit has included.
Its totally legal as your Ilok splits the license between plugings and the toolkit itself (which contains multi track beat detective and more tracks) as greyskull posted in picture which shows this. So yea works great and I have the license on my Ilok. I even spoke with dude selling it, and they buy these from studio closeouts and such and Like i said above, they just split up and sell each license separate for more cash.

Ha ok, basically you install the toolkit and disable, in the installing process, all the other plugs (all the fx basically that need other activation).
No idea on Digi's stance on this. I reckon you'd have to look at the licence agreement.

Just to chime in though, if you know someone who is doing audio at a college that does pro tools training they should be able to get you this stuff at a pretty massive discount. When I last checked I could get the full MPTK2 for about £150. Don't know if there's limitations on how many times you can buy it though.
When you get MPTK 2 it's not just 1 ilok asset it's 1 for the toolkit + 1 for each plugin so it's easy to get screwed on something like that.

Music Production Toolkit
Eleven LE
Pro Tools MP3 Export
Smack! LE
Structure LE
TL Space Native

so with just toolkit asset would get you more tracks and beat detective. Can't think of what else goes with that.
When you get MPTK 2 it's not just 1 ilok asset it's 1 for the toolkit + 1 for each plugin so it's easy to get screwed on something like that.

Music Production Toolkit
Eleven LE
Pro Tools MP3 Export
Smack! LE
Structure LE
TL Space Native

so with just toolkit asset would get you more tracks and beat detective. Can't think of what else goes with that.

Yeah, this is already clear, but I would like to know what Digi officially think about selling only one of the licenses. I wouldn't trust my ability to interpret their license agreement, just in case :D
I bought the original MPTK so i could have 48 tracks... fucker doesnt work with 8.0 so thats the suck...

I only need 48 tracks... the most I've used in any given session is 37 tracks... so... I'm good in that respect...

Just one question... what do you need with more than 48 tracks?

1 kick mic D6
2 kick mic subkick
3 kick trigger
4 snare top sm57
5 snare bottom sm81
6 snare trigger
7 tom1 md421
8 tom1 trigger
9 tom2 md421
10 tom2 trigger
11 tom3 md421
12 tom3 trigger
13 tom4 md421
14 tom4 trigger
15 hihat
16 ride
17 china
18 ovehead L
19 overhead R
20 room AB L
21 room AB R
22 ambience
23 bass DI
24 bass mic b52
25 bass mic sm57
26 rhythm guitar 1 sm57
27 rhythm guitar 1 DI
26 rhythm guitar 2 sm57
27 rhythm guitar 2 DI
26 rhythm guitar 3 sm57
27 rhythm guitar 3 DI
26 rhythm guitar 4 sm57
27 rhythm guitar 4 DI
28 lead guitar 1 sm57
29 lead guitar 1 DI
30 lead guitar 2 sm57
31 lead guitar 2 DI
32 clean guitar 1 sm57
33 clean guitar 1 DI
34 clean guitar 2 sm57
35 clean guitar 2 DI
36 guitar solo 1 sm57
37 guitar solo 1 DI
38 guitar solo 2 sm57
39 guitar solo 2 DI
40 acoustic guitar 1 C
41 acoustic guitar 1 XY L
42 acoustic guitar 1 XY R
43 acoustic guitar 2 C
44 acoustic guitar 2 XY L
45 acoustic guitar 2 XY R
46 synths 1 L
47 synths 1 R
48 synths 2 L
49 synths 2 R
50 synths 3 L
51 synths 3 R
52 synths 4 L
53 synths 4 R
54 synth solo 1 L
55 synth solo 1 R
56 synth solo 2 L
57 synth solo 2 R
58 lead vocal 1
59 lead vocal 2
60 lead scream 1
61 lead scream 2
62 vocal harmonies 1
63 vocal harmonies 2
64 vocal harmonies 3
65 vocal harmonies 4
66 vocal doubles 1
67 vocal doubles 2
68 vocal doubles 3
69 vocal doubles 4
70 sound effects 1
71 sound effects 2
72 sound effects 3
73 sound effects 4
74 sound effects 5
75 sound effects 6
76 sound effects 7
77 sound effects 8
78 sound effects 9
79 sound effects 10
80 sound effects 11
81 sound effects 12
82 subdrop

+ I could easily use a lot more if needed (and by sound effects I mean things like reverb, delay, parallel comp etc). Last project I did had something like 67 channels, 35 being different guitars and the song was only something like 4-5 minutes long.
a lot of those you can easily make stereo and/or hide and make inactive in the case of the D.I'S
No problem