pro tools midi editor


Jun 8, 2010

i have a small issue in pro tools. i don't really use pt all that much for midi but more recently i have decided to push myself in terms of midi workflow a little bit considering i am actually certified in pt. i just forgot a lot of the midi properties.


every time i create a midi note in the midi editor and cmd+d to duplicate. it's like the midi note has a 1 bar buffer behind it. the duplication is non contiguous.

what i am trying to do is focus on a snappier workflow with midi and make my cmd+d function more efficient. but for some reason i have yet to find a solution.

if anyone has a bit of insight on this it would be greatly appreciated. :)

also, i know about the pencil/line tool. i don't want to make tool selections. i would just like to contiguously duplicate a note like i can in cubase or ableton live.

ps... if this doesn't make sense, let me know and i will make a quick video.
Have you checked if you are in Grid mode or Relative Grid, that's one thing to check, as for your «Bar Buffer», it's actually your grid nudge that you have to change, but it to what you want (1/4 1/2 1/8 up to 1/64)

that's all I can say, I personnally tend to avoid midi editing in PT since I think it sucks, I use Cubase 5 for that, export all into PT after editing is done, PT Midi is just....well, I don't like it :)
thanks for the help.

unfortunately, the nudge value isn't the solution. neither is the grid mode.

i appreciate your time, bro!
Pro tools duplicates midi one bar section at a time. So program the entire bar you need, THEN duplicate it. If you have a two bar phrase, then it will duplicate those two bars onto the next two bars, etc. I love it this way, especially for drums. Program a phrase, then duplicate it. Works great, unless you're not doing midi to the grid I guess.

I personally love Pro Tools for Midi editing. Once you get used to it, it's just as good as any other program. I actually find it easier than logic.

Edit: to just make a copy of one single midi note, just option drag it.
depends on the grid settings too.. I often just click and hold alt on a note to duplicate it, like when building a chord, get the bar finished and then duplicate the bar or bars.