Help - Exporting a section of MIDI in PT


Oct 10, 2009
I'm trying to export stems for a song for someone to mess with, and they requested the midi drums as well. I can't for the life of me figure out how to correctly export just a certain section of midi. With audio, it's simple to export sections, but with midi Pro Tools just exports EVERY SINGLE NOTE in the entire session. I've tried CTRL + M on all the sections I don't want to export, still not working.
ok, so im thinking you cannot just pull your markers and highlight the section you want to export correct? I don't know why your having that problem but if that is the case why not copy the midi to another track, cut out what you need then solo export the have tried to just export as a midi file?
Yeah, when I try to just export the midi, it makes a file with ALL of the midi in the entire session, so it's like all the bass midi, drum midi, orchestral midi etc all in the same file. I'm trying to figure out how to just export one track's midi at a time, I already have them all separated into snare midi, kick midi, etc.
^Dont worry about that. That´s normal! If i´d import the files into my PT that you just exported, i would have all the midis on seperate tracks. Which is totally fine, just delete the tracks you don´t need, and done.

Yeah except the dude I'm sending the files to uses Cubase not PT and the file ends up being like an hour and a half long, it would be a bitch to delete all that extraneous crap. And he'd have to somehow figure out which notes even go to that song, it would be a nightmare. I have every song from the entire album all in one session


mute the midi tracks you don't want as part of it

then select and mute the areas in the track you don't want exported (ctrl +m)

export midi (file / export midi)

stop doing everything in one session

if that doesn't work you're probably doing something wrong somewhere else cause it works for me


mute the midi tracks you don't want as part of it

then select and mute the areas in the track you don't want exported (ctrl +m)

export midi (file / export midi)

stop doing everything in one session

if that doesn't work you're probably doing something wrong somewhere else cause it works for me

Yeah that's exactly what I just said I was trying. There's nothing wrong with doing an album as one session. Glad to see it's still nice and friendly around here, suck a dick
and before anybody says anything I googled the issue (which a lot of other people seem to have had btw), and looked on every other possible site/ forum before having to come here, as I fucking hate asking anything here for this exact reason