Pro Tools not recognizing my upgraded RAM?


Oct 10, 2009
I just got a brand new set of 8 GB DDR3 ram , maxing out my motherboard. Weird thing is , When I opened a PT session, the RTAS meter is exactly where it was before the upgrade... you would think that since I have more ram now , the meter would go down, no? I've also been a bit confused , because I use Windows 7 64 bit , and I know that PT has a 64 bit driver which I downloaded, but how do I know that Pro Tools is opening the 64 bit version? Because doesn't 32 Bit only recognize 3 GB? This is all very confusing to me , anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Ah ok , yeah I looked it up some more and I came up with the same info , that PT will not see anything past 3 GB. However they did say that it does help , since Windows 7 eats about 1 GB ram , it leaves more ram for PT and other stuff I guess. Ahjteam, Windows is reading the ram.
Make sure your OS sees the new ram. I've had that problem before and it was due to wrong slots / crooked CPU pins.

If your OS recognizes the ram, then what the other guys said.
Make sure your OS sees the new ram. I've had that problem before and it was due to wrong slots / crooked CPU pins.

If your OS recognizes the ram, then what the other guys said.

Yeah it's installed correctly. I'm really surprised that they don't have a version of PT that reads more ram...
I don't know if you've ever experienced working in a 64bit DAW with 32 bit plugins, but you basically have to use a piece of bridging software, when I tried that in Logic it was highly unstable and was getting better results out of just straight 32 bit.

64bit DAW + 64bit plugins would be amazing, think its probably going to be another year or two though.
I don't know if you've ever experienced working in a 64bit DAW with 32 bit plugins, but you basically have to use a piece of bridging software, when I tried that in Logic it was highly unstable and was getting better results out of just straight 32 bit.

64bit DAW + 64bit plugins would be amazing, think its probably going to be another year or two though.

I'm using Reaper 64 with a bunch of 64 plugins, and the bridge for 32 is pretty good, no issues so far in about 8 months.
yeah but that fucking bridge window pisses me off. I actually have to loop things if i want to keep hearing them and messing with the plugin at the same time lol. Sounds stupid but I'm a spacebar play/stop guy instead of looping and when the bridge window is open i can't do it cuz technically i'm not in reaper anymore. If that makes any sense.